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As you enter the house, the door shuts behind you all on its own. It startles you a bit.

"Inosuke?" You whisper, sword in both hands.

No response. It's so quiet.

You decide to start running, you dart around opening door to door.

You turn around the hall and you see a demon, head already chopped off, decaying. He must be nearby if it's still decaying.

You start running but the demons hand grabs your leg.

"Gah! Get off! No point in eating me now! you're dying!" You yell at it and slice it's arm off you.

You continue running.

"Inosuke!!" You yell.

Suddenly there's a loud drum like sound. The room suddenly changes.

"W-what in the world?" You say a bit startled.

The drumming stops.

"Hmm. No wonder they said this house, it must be it's layer." You mumble.

Then you hear the sound of whimpering. It's coming from a door on the left. You swing it open.

"AAAAAAHHH!!!!" A yellow haired boy screams, covering his face shoving one of the children you saw earlier infront of him.

"You!" You say, holding down your weapon.

It's Zenitsu, the boy you saved at final selection.

"(Y-y/n)..?" He squeaks.

"OH MY GOD YOU ANGEL YOU CAME TO SAVE ME IM TRULY GRATEFUL THE GODS HAVE SAVED ME!!!" He screamed tears rolling down his face, clinging to your waste.

"I- what are you doing here?" You say so very confused.

He sniffs, hugging you tighter. " I met someone, named Tanjiro, H-He's my partner... our mission was to c-come here.. I didn't want to! H-he scared me into coming along!" He wailed.

"I-I see... you survived the selection then?" You say calmly.

"Dumb luck... I thought I'd just die, but this world only wants to torture me." He sniffles.

"I'm bound to die sooner or later." He rubs his eyes.

"Zenitsu." You kneel down to his level.

"You shouldn't say that about yourself, you should have faith, and be strong, don't say such cruel things to yourself." You say sternly with firm eyes.

Zenitsu looks up, his whole face turning pink.

"Y-yeah!" He grins taking your hand. "I won't let you down (y/n)" he says looking a bit calmer.

"Let's find your partner, and my partner, find some demons and get the hell out." You say looking around.

"Oh how about this way!" He says opening a door. Then he goes silent.

"Zenitsu? You okay?" You grab the child from outsides hand.

You peek, looking through the door. And there, you see Inosuke, he huffs, steam coming out of the nostrils of his mask.

"M-MONSTER!!!!" Zenitsu screams hiding behind you.

"Inosuke! There you are! I was looking for you!" You get out of Zenitsu's grasp and jump into his arms giving him a big hug.

"G-GAH!" He yells a bit startled by your hug, then slowly hugs you back.

"WHA- WH- WHAAAAT??!!!??!" Zenitsu screams. "(Y/N) WHY ARE YOU HUGGING THE MONSTER!?" He immediately starts crying.

♡ṃʏ ẇȏяʟԀ ♡ (Inosuke x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now