☆彡13 ☆彡

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You and the boys stop finding yourself at a different Wisteria house.

"Caw!! Rest now! You all had a very long day!" Tanjiro's bird caws.

"Gah.. this place again..? We were just here for a whole week!" Inosuke whines.

"We're just going to spend the night. We'll be on our way in the morning okay Inosuke?" You smile.

"Ugh.. fine.." he groans, as you guys all walk in.

As soon as you knock on the door, a kind elderly woman gladly sets you all up for the night. And firstly provides clothing and food.

You all eat together, Inosuke snarfs down there food.

"Use your chopsticks..!" Zenitsu groans.

"He never learned how to..!" You hide your laugh.

"What?" Zenitsu said.

"Inosuke was raised by wild boars, so he has a hard time doing understanding other things." You inform, eating the tempura.

"What she said." The boar scoffs.

"Here, Inosuke, say ahh!" You hold a tempura with your chopsticks.

"Ahh?" He says confused, and you pop the tempura in his mouth.

He almost chokes on it with surprise, he glances at you looking like he's about to rage but he stops and smirks.

"You're so strange (w/n)" he blushes a little.

"Oh! My turn! My turn! Feed me!" Zenitsu smiles, little flowers appear around his head.

"Ahhh!" You say, popping a tempura in Zenitsu's mouth.

"Mm! You truly are an angel (y/n)!" Zenitsu blushes.

Inosuke looks a bit pissed but keeps to himself.

"Tanjiro! Ahh!" You giggle grabbing another Tempura with your chopsticks.

"Ahh!" Tanjiro smiles opening his mouth, and you pop a tempura in his mouth.

"Hehe!" You smile, then continuing to eat your food.

Inosuke huffs angrily and finishes up his Tempura fast, and walks out the door.

"Tch, he's so moody, how are you able to manage him?" Zenitsu asks.

"He's really sweet once you get to know him, you just have to be patient with him, be kind to him, I always answer his questions and make small talk." You smile.

"He looks so scary though..!" Zenitsu says shivering at the thought of him beating him up.

"Sometimes! He comes off that way when you first meet him." You inform.

"Ah.. that was yummy. I'll be on the room!" You say standing up, walking out the door.

You slide the door open to see Inosuke laying down, staring at the ceiling.

"Hi, Inosuke!" You grin, plopping right next to him.

"(Y/n).." he groans in response greeting you.

"You seem worn out, today was kinda fun wasn't it?" You admit.

"Yeah." He grunts.

"Hey, can I check on your bandages?" You ask lifting up his bangs.

He nods, looking downwards. You smile and softly take off the bandages. It reveals a huge knot on his forehead.

"Tchh.. ouch does it hurt?" You ask, softly rubbing it.

"Fuck yeah, hurts like hell..!" He scoffs.

♡ṃʏ ẇȏяʟԀ ♡ (Inosuke x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now