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The next day

'A 5 day trip. Wow, you've got to be kidding me.'  Inosuke thinks.

'I wonder what we all would be doing right now if we actually killed that demon.'  He sighs.

'We'd probably be at the corps recovering, ah shit that reminds me I forgot to ask Shinobu about where the fuck kids come from. God fucking damn it.' Inosuke facepalms himself.

"What about you Inosuke?" Tanjiro asks.

'Fuck I wasn't listening.'

"Eh?" He grunts.

"You know, what was your childhood like?" Tanjiro asks.

"Childhood.. hehe, the mountains were awesome. I killed deers, bears, All the animals worshipped me, I was king of the mountains!" Inosuke smirks under his mask.

"Who trained you to become a demon slayer?" Zenitsu asks.

"Me." Inosuke says. "I learned from fighting for survival, pretty cool aren't I?" He laughs.

"You guys haven't lived in the city, have you?" Zenitsu asks.

"No, I did visit my village every now and then to sell coal." Tanjiro says.

"The city is very cool, lots of commotion though, did a number on my ears, the mountains are quiet and more peaceful. Hehe, but at least theres tons of cute girls!" Zenitsu blushes.

"Did you guys ever have any childhood crushes?" Zenitsu asks.

"I liked this one little girl from the village, when my father was still alive me and him went down the mountain to sell coal together and there was this family that alway bought our coal, and there was a girl my age I thought was really pretty.." Tanjiro chuckles.

"What about you Inosuke?" Zenitsu asks.

"I saw (y/n) when I was a piglet. She gave me food." Inosuke says flatly.

"Wait you've known (y/n) since you were little?" Zenitsu asks.

"No, yes? Kind of, I was starving so I went into the village to steal and it was hibernation season and I couldn't find animals for shit so I found her house and she came outside and gave me food, but she started crying cause I was too harsh I guess. I felt bad so I ran away, she was really pretty." Inosuke smiles under his mask.



"Okay good. Anywho, I've had about uhh a lot of crushes. There was Saki, Kaori, Takara, Sakiko, Aiko, Mei, Shuri, Mariko, Ayaka, Kioka, Toru, Kimiko, Chinami, Emiyo, Eiko, Usagi, Yoko, Masuyo, Mirai, Namiyo..." he continues...


Back to (y/n)

The beating went on for a while yesterday. I think one of my ribs are broken. It lasted for about an hour, until Yui returned.

Why does she want me to understand her opinion so badly, she should respect I don't think the same way she does. And what's going to happen if her little plan works and she does make me believe?

Is she going to turn me into a demon? Then your stomach growls.

Ah I'm hungry...

You slip out of bed, and look at the vanity mirror, Ah god you look awful, you have a black eye, and a bruise on your cheek and tons of bruised around your stomach, your lip is somewhat swollen too.

♡ṃʏ ẇȏяʟԀ ♡ (Inosuke x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now