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3 days have passed since then, It is now the afternoon and you are all on your way to pick up Nara, the doctors said she would be ready today.

"What do you plan on doing with me and my sister?" Kayo asks.

"Ah well Nara needs some physical therapy once we get to the corps, then she will be training to be a demon slayer. You can be too if you'd like." You inform.

"No. Being a demon slayer is not for me, I can't kill... I'm better off cooking and cleaning just like how it was supposed to be." Kayo grumbles.

"You could be one of the Hashiras maids!" You smile.

"I... suppose.." she mumbles.

"I just wanted to stay with Dad. But you ruined it... you ruined everything.. you ruined any chances of me and dad being friends again." Kayo whimpers.

"I'm sorry. Kayo your dad must have been very loving and kind towards you, but once he became a demon he changed, he only used you, your dad was never with you as a demon.." you sigh.

"I wanted to be a demon! It could have strengthened me and dads relationship! I was so close to becoming one! But you ruined everything!!" She yells.

"Kayo, demon or not it wouldn't strengthen your bond with your father. And you'd kill millions of innocent humans if you did.." Tanjiro pats her.

"I don't care! Anything as long as I can be with Dad again.." she sniffles.

"Come here." Tanjiro picks her up and carries her.

You frown, she really is in a lot of pain here. She just wanted her dad back.

Finally, you arrive at the hospital ward and you get Nara, she has a fake leg and is slowly getting the hang of walking but for the meantime Inosuke carries her over his shoulders.

"How's the leg?" You smile.

"It doesn't hurt anymore! It's all good now, just a bit hard to walk is all, thank you for carrying me Inosuke." Nara pats his head.

"Don't mention it." He smirks.

"Is.. Kayo mad at me?" Nara asks, looking foreword where Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Kayo all are you ahead.

"She's still trying to process everything, she is just upset and she misses your dad.." you inform.

"I love Kayo, she's my big sister but what if she never looks at me the same ever again?" Nara says.

"I don't think she's mad at you. She's more mad at us." You say.

"That makes no sense.. I was the one who helped you guys.. it's my fault!" She says.

"But we were the ones who killed her father, not you." You inform.

"I suppose.." Nara pouts.


It took a few hours to finally get there. By the time you were there it was late at night. The hashiras offered to let us stay at the butterfly estate.

You all set up everything at the hospital wing. It was separated by gender this time so you and Inosuke had to sleep separated.

The next morning Kayo and Nara were both talking about what's going to happen for the both of them at the butterfly estate. Nara was taking physical therapy with the help from the young girls at the butterfly estate. Kayo decided to work as a maid, like Aoi.

None of you had any injuries, but Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro were all starting on rehabilitation training this morning so you didn't see any of them at all until the afternoon. You didn't need to since you already learned full focus breathing.

♡ṃʏ ẇȏяʟԀ ♡ (Inosuke x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now