☆彡16 ☆彡

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This time you were all staying at a hotel in the town. The boys were all playing board games while you were at the tiny desk in the corner. It seems that Kyou has replied to your letter from before.


I hope you are doing well, I have been thinking about you a lot. I cant wait to see you soon. I hope you are available soon. I have some things I would like to tell you that are really important to me.

Love, Kyou

Hmm well you all are seeming to be taking a break at the moment. Why not go down and visit?

"Hey guys" you announce.

Everyone looks your way.

"So, it seem we have no important matters to attend to at the moment. I'd like to take this time to visit my good friend Kyou from my village. It's been a while since we have last seen each other. I do miss him a lot." You say.

"I can come right? You said when you visit it's a bit dangerous to go alone." Inosuke stands up.

"Yeah of course you can come!" You smile. "I think Kyou's family will love you." You beam.

"That sounds fair. Me and Zenitsu will head to the demon slayer corps to maintain our training." Tanjiro says. "Once you all are done we can meet up there!" He smiles.

"Perfect, me and Inosuke will head in the morning!" You smile.

Inosuke didn't only want to come to protect you. He didn't really like the sound of this Kyou character. Hearing you bring up his name made him get goosebumps. He wanted to make sure he was good to you, and especially since how scared you were of that demon from earlier, he can't bear the thought of leaving you alone.

"I'm going to get some rest now, so I'll be in the other room." You say.

Everyone nods as you walk out.

You're kind of nervous to see Kyou, it's been a while since you both were together. And especially since Inosuke is coming along how will the 2 be around eachother? The 2 are your most closest friends.

You get dressed in your pajamas and slip into your bedsheets, and blow out the candle.


About an hour or so later Inosuke slides the door open, and walks in on you dead asleep. Zenitsu and Tanjiro were still in the game room.

He takes off his boar mask, and stares at your beautiful face.

He looks troubled by something.

He places a hand on your cheek.

"(Y/n).." he mumbles, studying your face structure.

'why does everything you do and say make me feel warm and happy? Why do I enjoy your presence more than anyone else's. Why do I want to protect you so badly? Ever since I met you, you've awoken these strange feelings inside me. I don't know what the hell they are...'  He thinks to himself.

That's when the thought strikes him.

Could it be?

No it can't be... there's no way.. He can't be feeling that way towards you can he?

His eyes widen. That's it, he's figured it out. He runs out the door trying to find Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

"OI RUNTS!" He screams shoving the door open.

"Yes?" Tanjiro says.

"I need to talk about something with y'all..." Inosuke says, his voice lowering a bit.

♡ṃʏ ẇȏяʟԀ ♡ (Inosuke x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now