☆彡14 ☆彡

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It was already morning, and we decided to get an early start to get to our next location. We were already out the door, Tanjiros crow leading us to the next place.

Everyone was doing their own thing. You don't know why but you felt awfully sad. You couldn't stop thinking about that dream you had last night. Kyou seemed really upset, yet angry. You have to get your mind off of that, it will only make you more and more anxious and upset.

"What's wrong?" Inosuke says, matching with your walking pace.

"That nightmade from last night.." you mumble.

"What was it?" He asked, you could tell he was genuinely worried by the tone of his voice.

"You remember Kyou, I told you about him. He was.. standing.. in the middle of a rice field, holding these wilted roses and he looked more upset than ever. I tried to talk to him but he was mumbling weird things.. and when he finally snapped out of it he shoved me and yelled at me." You say clenching your uniform.

"What was he saying?" Inosuke asks.

"Something about how... he's not good and how something's unfair." You say.

"Tch, you shouldn't think so much, it's just a dream. Nothing bad will happen, and if anything does, I won't let it." Inosuke huffs.

You smile, "Thank you Inosuke." You pat his boar head.

He smiles underneath his mask.

"Caaaaw!! We're here we're here!" Tanjiros bird says, it appears to be some sort of town.

"So Whats the problem in this here town?" Tanjiro asks his crow.

"Many women here have been magically disappearing! Mainly women above the age of 20!Why don't you talk to some of the men?" The crow caws.

"Hm.." Tanjiro mumbles.

"E-excuse me.." someone says from behind.

"Oh hello sir!" Tanjiro beams at the older man.

"You seem to be demon slayers yes?" He asks.

"Indeed we are!" Tanjiro smiles.

"Oh good good, you came at the perfect time, you see a lot of older women have been disappearing... ratherly fast it's quite concerning." He says.

"My name is Isao Would you mind if I take you to my humble abode while I treat you all with some Tea?" He asks.

"Not at all!" Tanjiro smiles.


Isao poors some fresh hot tea into 5 cups, handing them to all of us and himself. Inosuke walks around the house studying all the photographs on the wall, Zenitsu aside from him making sure he doesn't manage to get into any trouble. Meanwhile you and Tanjiro are both at the table with Isao.

"You see my fiancé got abducted about 2 weeks ago, I've been worried sick and tried going to everywhere I think she'd be at, the market, the bookstore, her friends houses... I asked all her family and friends too but they insist they don't know anything." Isao says calmly.

"Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry, do you know where your fiancé said she was going before she left the house?" You ask, then taking a sip of the tea.

"She said she was running and aaron didn't specify where though." He said.

"Do you know anyone else she could have talked to about this?" Tanjiro asks.

"She tells her sister everything, they get along so well." Isao says. "I've visited her sister so much begging to see if she knows anything but she just keep insisting she doesn't and slams her door on me every time." He groans.

♡ṃʏ ẇȏяʟԀ ♡ (Inosuke x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now