// Jooheon //

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Your eyes stared intently at the computer screen in front of you, reading the same line over and over again, but it still didn't feel right. Frustrated out of your mind, you run your hand through your long hair, and wiped your tired, sore eyes. Taking a sip of your already cold coffee, you feel the faint rush of caffeine through your limbs, grateful for the extra boost of energy

Just as your about to sit down and continue your major work assignment, your phone buzzes, you had to put it on silent mode, to prevent it from distraction you from your work. Seeing the caller ID, all thoughts of work were immediately chased out of your brain. Excitedly you answered the call, bringing the phone to your ear and abandoning your work

"Hello?" you asked, trying to keep the excitement from your voice

"Hey jagi" your favorite person in the world said in his usual soft tone. "Practice finished early and the boys asked me if you want to go out with all of us?" he asked, and you could hear some noise in the background as you could visualize the members in the background packing up

"I don't know" you wondered hesitantly, biting your pink lips nervously, glancing at your brightly lit computer screen and the amount of papers you still had to go through by the end of the week

"Come on please please please?" he pleaded "Every time I come back you're either asleep or out at university" he complained in a whiny, kid-like tone

Laughing at his childishness, you shook your head. You couldn't believe you were dating Lee Jooheon, someone who could go from the best rapper of Monsta X, making millions of girls in around the world fall in love with him, to a small ball of cuteness in a matter of seconds. Giggling, you knew you couldn't say no when he pleaded with you like that

"Fine, I'll be at Starship Building in 15" you said, giving in

"Be quick" he warned "15 minutes is too long for me to wait, I want to see you right now" he huffed, clearly displeased with the delay

"Yes sir" you said, ending the call, laughing

Rushing back to your room, you thrashed your closet trying to find something appropriate to wear especially in the chilly weather, but all of your hoodies had either been lent to your younger sister or was in the laundry. Sighing, you gave up and picked one of Jooheon's hoodies, hoping he wouldn't mind, after all you had already been dating for about 8 months. Slipping the black hoodie over your head, it was slightly bigger than you wanted it to be but it still fit you well. It even had his faint scent, like pressed cotton and a touch of vanilla. Trying up your hair, you grabbed your called an Uber to take you to Starship building

Smiling, you paid the friendly driver, and stepped out of the cab, making your way to the entrance where Jooheon said he would be waiting for you. True enough, there he was hands deep in his pocket, staring intently at his phone

Grinning, you sneak up behind him, and since his hoodie was pretty big on you, your sweater slapped him gently on the arm making him jump

"Aishh" he grumbled, messing up your hair "you're going to give me a heart attack one day" he mumbled, bringing you into his arms and placing a soft kiss on your forehead

"Hold on" he said, grabbing your shoulders and looking at you from arm's length "Is that my hoodie?" he asked, scrutinizing your outfit giving you the once over with his eyes

"Uhm yes" you but your lip, looking down at your sneaker hoping he wouldn't get mad about borrowing his clothes "I mean it was really cold and-" you started, stuttering before he cut you off complete by kissing you right on the lips

"Don't be silly" he laughed, looking at you with such love in his eyes. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, he steers you to the rest of the members "But I have one little request" he whispered in your ear as you approached the rest

"Hmm?" you asked, looking up at his beautiful face

"Promise me one little thing, you're not allowed to wear anyone else's hoodies" he warned you sternly. "Cause you're mine and you can only wear my hoodies okay?" he said childishly, overprotectiveness evident in his voice, clearly wanting to make sure you belonged to him and him only

"Of course you little dork" you laughed, poking him in the arm "Who else would I want in life?" you replied leaning your head against his shoulder.

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