// Minhyuk //

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Night Before

Tired, you fumble with your keys, barely able to keep your eyes open. Finally, finding the right one, you unlock your apartment door and dump all of your stuff onto the living room couch. Taking off your coat, and throwing it in the laundry basket on the way to your room, you creak the door open, and saw that your boyfriend still wasn't back from work, but honestly this wasn't surprising anymore. He was busy with his comeback and probably practicing with his members. You wouldn't expect him for at least another hour or so at least

Sighing, you could feel the tiredness of the day starting to settle in your bones. Quickly changing into something comfortable, you lie down on your bed, groaning inwardly, as you felt the soft mattress supporting your body and your head resting on your long awaited pillow

Turning to you side, you debate whether or not to wait up for Minhyuk, but your entire body rebels, the need for sleep was so powerful. Giving in, your heavy eyelids close and you wriggle a bit hoping to find a comfortable position before finally drifting off

Next Morning

Bright light filters through the room but you're unfazed by it, still managing to sleep peacefully. You felt something small and soft bump against your immobile body. At first you didn't take much notice of it but soon, it became more frequent and persistent

Groaning you cover your head with the blanket, hoping that it would protect you from the constant annoyance, but of course not. Instead of stopping it felt like it was raining down on you this time

"Aishh" you complain, voice still husky and rough from being awoken "Stop it" you whine, wriggling, trying to avoid what could only be described as an assault

"Hmm" A rough, equally sleepy voice replies "Naah" he says like a small kid and the blows continue to rain down

Fed up, you peek out of the blanket to glare at your boyfriend, who true enough was bright eyed and bushy tailed, armed with a pillow in his hand and a sleepy grin on his face

"Can you not disturb my sleep for once?" you whine in an equally childish voice

"Guess not babe" he said laughing "Besides I love to see you like this, sleepy and cuddly and warm" he teased

"Hmp" you huff, covering your face again

"Awww come on don't be like that" he protested "I didn't get to see you yesterday and by the time I came home you were asleep" he complained

"Serves you right for practicing the night away" you shoot back

"You didn't even wait up for me" he complains and you could already imagine the pout on his face

"Mianhae" you say, guiltily voice half muffled by the pillow "I was so tired after work" you sigh, thinking of the pile of work you had finished yesterday

"I know, I'm sorry too, for not being back home early, I know how much you hate it" he said, and you feel a body lay beside you. Peeking out of your cocoon, you see Minhyuk next to you, his head supported by an arm, hair messed up giving him the rolled out of bed look which surprisingly suit him well.

You sigh "It's okay" and It really is. You know how hard he works and sacrifices foe being an idol, and you were prepared for situations like this when you first got together

"Well, at least let me make it up to you" he says, voice tinged with guilt

"There's no need Minhyuk, I'm used to it" you reassure, turning your body to face him to show him you weren't mad at all

"Aniyo, no no" he protests, stroking your long messed up locks, a sad look in his eyes. "I still need to make it up to you" he insists

"Well, what do you want to do?" you ask your interest piqued

"Hmm" he thinks for a while "I was really in the mood for.." he says trailing off looking at your curled up form

"Oh no no Lee Minhyuk" you nearly shout, wincing as it hurts your throat

"Aish, I haven't even finished my sentence yet" he protests, "As I was saying, I was hoping we could just stay her since we're so tired and cuddle" he pouts, looking at you pointedly

Laughing, completely misreading his intentions, you reply "Okay, I'm sorry" you say scooting over to him

"Although, we can still do it if you want" he teases taking you in his arms

"Yah!" you nearly scream hitting his chest playfully

Smirking, he kisses your hair, "I'm sorry, don't murder me" he pleads

Laughing, you settle into his arms, enjoying the sense of comfort, warmth and safety. Leaning your head against his chest, you turn around a little to face him "You know what?" you ask

"Hmm?" he mutters

"We should do this more often" you say snuggling into his chest. You feel a light kiss on your head, and a chuckle which vibrates his entire body

"Whatever you say Sleeping Beauty" the husky, sleepy voice you loved replies in your ear, which is the last thing you hear before you drift off again, safe in his arms


Hey guys! Thanks for the 200 reads 😢 it really makes me super happy. I'm not a good writer, I just want to share my ideas to all of you especially to all monbebes out there. I really hope you guys liked it. I LOVE YOU ALL ~ ❤️️❤️️

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