Chapter 1-Coming Home

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I got off the plane and grabbed what little luggage I had left after what happened in New York. If you're wondering what happened, well my asshole boyfriend dumped me and accidentally set my place on fire.

Then, I flunked out of college and lost my job at a local fashion house because I was 'wrongfully' accused of stealing the designer's demo clothing for this week's Fashion show and selling them to their worst enemy.

"Have a nice day, Miss." The Stewardess said smiling at me as I entered the airport in Denver, Colorado.

It felt weird being home after living in New York for 4 years. I had gotten a scholarship to NYU after attending community college for 2 years and at age 20, left everything behind.

Now I was back and was absolutely dreading it. I walked through the terminal and heard my Mom shouting my name as she rushed up to me and pulled me in for a long hug.

If you're wondering, my parents and I don't have the best relationship because I chose not to follow in their footsteps as a Werewolf Hunter.

Yes, you heard me. Werewolf Hunter, you see Denver has always had a problem with Werewolves eating there farm animals and sometimes a human or two if they traveled too far into the woods.

My parents Kayla and Hayes Lovett. The most feared Werewolf hunting duo in Denver. They for as long as I can remember were always called away to solve a local's 'Wolf Problem'.

As a kid, I never truly understood why they worked so late at night, especially on a Full Moon. You see that's when Werewolves are most active and it gives my parents the best chance to hunt them down.

"I am so glad you've finally come home, Hailey. Your brother and Father have missed you." My Mom said as she pulled away to grab my luggage.

She leads me outside, where my Father waited on their old trusty truck. The truck has been around since the early 90's and has seen better days but my Dad refused to buy a new one. Anything that went wrong with it was always fixable.

"Hales !" My Father beamed and pulled me into his arms as well.

As usual he still smelled of burnt sandal wood. It honestly felt weird that they were being so nice to me after how we left things, before I left for New York.

"Don't leave and let me train you, you can claim your rightful place in the Lovett WereWolf Hunting Clan. You can't run from Destiny, Hales." My Dad had said.

I smiled and hugged him back, I did miss my Parents. But I just hated that they were so adamant on getting me to become a hunter. It's not who I am or who I want to be.

"Where's Kaden ?" I asked looking around for my brother.

Kaden was my older brother and he quickly excepted his destiny as a Werewolf hunter. Dad trained him and he soon was killing Werewolves like he was a professional. I sometimes wished I could be like him, but I knew I wasn't.

"He's probably at home, he went hunting earlier but he should be back, Come on." Dad said as he pulled the seat forward so I could get in.

Mom put my luggage in the back of the truck and quickly got in the passenger seat. Goosebumps rose on my skin as I noticed a long scar on my Mom's arm but I didn't dare ask her about it.

"You ready to go home ?" Mom asked me, she had that signature smile of her's plastered on her face.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said, sighing as Dad started the truck.

Soon we were driving towards our rural house nestled in the woods. As a kid, I always felt so isolated because none of my friends lived near us. But my Mom and Dad always said 'A Werewolf Hunter's job is never done.'

They purposely moved all the way out in GrayWolf Falls because that's where all the Werewolves congregated. My brother used to scare the crap of me telling me stories about how a Werewolf would come and eat unsuspecting little girls playing near the lake.

Echo Lake is what it's called, it's not far from our house but my parents and brother never let me go there. They said it was too dangerous.

"What happened in New York, Hales ?" Dad said after a long silence. "I know you said you didn't want to talk about it, but I just want you to know your Mother and I are here for you."

When I first called them after the fire, they sounded very concerned and immediately suggested I come home for a while. But I hadn't lost my job yet.

"I'm sorry, Hailey but I'm going to have to let you go." My Former Boss had said. "Karen told me what you did with the designs and I am honestly so disappointed in you."

That bitch Karen basically nailed my coffin in New York and I just decided I needed to gather my thoughts and go back home to figure out what to do next.

"Let's just say I had a rough time recently and the fire and breakup was just the beginning." I stated.

My mom gave me a apologetic look and put her hand over mine, giving it a small squeeze.

"You know you're always welcome here, Hailey. I hope you decide to stay. It hasn't been the same since you left." Mom said. "I miss our movie nights and braiding your hair when you have somewhere special to be."

Soon, our house came into view and not much has changed since I had left. The house was still a pale blue color and the yard was blooming with pink flowers.

Dad parked the truck where he always did, by the hunting equipment shed. And I quickly got out as soon as Dad pulled the seat out to avoid answering my Mom's prying words.

Mom helped me grab my luggage and we were about to head inside, when I felt the hairs on my arm prickle up. I turned around expecting to see someone but all was quiet.

"What's wrong ?" Mom asked me, staring off in the direction I was looking.

I shake my head and laugh. What was wrong with me ?

"Nothing." I replied. "I'm just tired."

Dad unlocks the front door and we quickly head inside. I drop my luggage by the stairs and I'm immediately tackled by my annoying ass brother.

"Hey Hailey. Long time no see." Kaden chuckled as he messed up my hair.

I quickly got out of his grip and glared at him. This was going to be a long day.

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