Chapter 9- Attacked

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"Luke ! Start the car !" I screamed as the wolf jumped on the Jeep.

The wolf snarled as it eyed us through the front windshield. Kaden sat wide eyed in his seat next to Luke. I never seen him so terrified. He was always so brave but without Dad, he seemed child like.

"I'm trying !" Luke said. "The Jeep won't start !"

The wolf made direct eye contact with me and seem to get angrier and dug it's claws into the window, cracking the glass.

"Leave us alone you mangy mutt !" Kaden screamed.

That's when we heard another howl and we turned to see another wolf coming towards us and as soon as it reached us, it tackled the wolf on our car.

They ended up wrestling, jaws snapping on the floor as they fought. Why was that wolf attacking it's own ? Why would it help us ? The wolf bit the one that attacked us and we heard a crack and the wolf beneath it stopped moving.

"Holy shit." Kaden said.

The wolf turned it's head up and I looked directly at it's eyes and got a feeling of recognition. That wolf that just saved us was Calum.

Luke finally managed to start the Jeep and we sped off away from Calum or should I say Wolfman. Once we were far enough away, Luke slowed the Jeep down a bit.

"What the fuck was that ?" Kaden demanded. "That wolf turned on it's own and Dad is still in the woods. We need to send for help !"

"You need to calm down, man." Luke said. "Once we are far enough away, we will call for help."

I can't believe that just happened...We were ambushed by Wolves and we left Dad behind to fend for himself. Was he even alive ? Or was he dead ? I shake the thoughts out of my head.

Suddenly I have another vision, this time it's of my Dad..

My Dad is surrounded by werewolves, their teeth showing as they snarled at him. His gun was locked and loaded but he didn't fire a shot.

"Easy there boys, you don't want to hurt me." He said carefully. "I'm the protector of this city. This town needs me."

The wolves didn't seem to care however and one charged forward and my Dad fires a shot but it doesn't take the wolf down and he's tackled to the ground.

"Please.. I have a wife and kids.." My Dad pleaded. "Just let me go and we'll forget this ever happened."

Then the wolf shocked me and spoke.

"You and your family are a nuisance to my pack and I will kill every last one of you."

Then he bit into my Dad.

I woke out of the vision gasphing for air, Luke and Kaden looked back at me wide eyed as I tried to catch my breath.

"Princess I'm gonna need you to calm down and breath ok ?" Luke said as he slowed the car down.

"Hales, please you're scaring me !" Kaden said.

And that's when everything went black.

"Hailey, please wake up !"

"Princess please !"

The voices felt so far away, yet so close... it was like I was there but yet I wasn't. Then I heard a voice I didn't recognized.

"Not everything they told you was the truth."

Then I woke up with a start, Luke and Kaden stood kneeled over me. I could hear the wail of sirens getting closer and closer. I tried to sit up but Luke pushed me back down.

"It's okay. Help is on the way." He said. "Just stay down."

I could see the ambulance as it stopped a few feet from us, Kaden rushed over to get the paramedics as my vision blurred again. i tried my hardest to stay awake but sleep overcame me yet again.

Hours later...
I could hear the beep of a heart monitor as I came to. I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was lying in a hospital bed with a heart monitor hooked to me.

I sat up and found Luke sleeping in a chair not too far from my bed. Kaden was pacing back and forth across from me, until I spoke up.

"Kaden ?"

Kaden turned and immediately rushed towards my side, his hands holding tightly to mine. He seemed so relieved to see me awake. What happened to me ?

"Hailey, thank god you're awake !" He said. "What happened back there ? One moment you were fine, the next you were panicking and passed out."

"Where's Dad ?" I asked, Kaden's face fell.

"We don't know yet, police are still searching. Mom is rushing to get here, so she should be here soon." Kaden said.

The vision, was my Dad really gone ? I could feel tears start to form at the sides of my eyes and Kaden saw that and pulled me in for a hug. I held onto him as tight as I could.

"Dad can't be.." I started to say but the sobs just kept coming.

Kaden rubbed my back, trying his best to calm me down.

"Dad is strong, Hales. He will make it out." Kaden said. "I know it."

He held me there for a while, until Mom showed up. Her hair was a mess and she rushed towards us, waking up a sleeping Luke.

"I'm so glad you two are okay !" She cried. "When I heard what happened, I rushed over."

We then explained what exactly happened and my Mom looked horrified. Dad was god knows where, I saw Calum in his Wolf form and I was having weird visions.

"Why did you pass out Hailey ?" Mom asked me. "Have you been feeling sick ?"

Should I mention the visions ? Would they even believe me ? To my relief the Doctor interrupted us by coming in the room.

"Hailey, how are you feeling ?" Doctor Barber asked as he eyed his chart.

"I'm feeling better. Don't know what happened though." I said.

"You had a panic attack after the traumatic experience you went through, which is understandable. We gave you a relaxer to help calm your nerves and we will of course send you home with some anti- anxiety meds in case you need them." He said.

I had a anxiety attack ? There's no way I had a anxiety attack. It had to be those visions.

"So she can go home ?" My Mom asked him. "Her Dad is missing and we just want to be there in case he shows up."

"We'd like to keep her over night due to her heart rate being elevated but if all is well, she can go home tomorrow." He replied, my mom thanked him and he exited the room.

"Great now I'm stuck sleeping here." I muttered.

"We will be back first thing in the morning, sweetheart."Mom smiled, giving me a long hug. "Get some rest and don't stress about your Dad, he's the strongest man we know."

I smiled and waved as My Mom and Brother left together, leaving me with Luke.

"I can stay if you don't want to be alone." Luke said. "I don't feel right leaving you here."

I put my hand over his and gave it a light squeeze. He was so sweet, how could he be the black sheep of his family ?

"No, you should go get some rest. I promise I will be fine." I said. "But I'll see you soon."

"Are you sure ?" He asked and I nodded my head again.

He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and told me he'd be back, before he left. I was now alone in the room. I sighed and got comfortable in the bed before falling into a restless sleep.

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