Chapter 14-Figuring Shit Out

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I was running for my life from the man that we had run from at my house. My feet kicking up wet dirt as I tried to out run him but he always seem to be right behind me.

I screamed as he tackled me to the ground and then I woke up.

I sat up in bed abruptly, it was still dark out and all I could hear was the sound of crickets outside. I was in one of the 2 bedrooms in Calum's cabin.  I took 1 room and Luke was in the one next to me.

Calum of course insisted he sleep on the couch because Luke kept complaining that he'd get stiff if his tall frame had to sleep on a small couch. Honestly those two have been fighting like dogs since we got here.

I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom down the hall and nearly slam into a shirtless Calum.

"Oh, Hailey." Calum mumbled, running his hand through his hair. "Sorry, didn't see you there.."

I found myself in awe at how hot he looked without his shirt on. I mean, I know I seen him shirtless before but I wasn't expecting it this time. Which made it all the more tantalizing to me.

"It's ok.." I stuttered, my cheeks turning pink. "I was up anyways.."

Calum looked at me, seeming to try and figure out what I was thinking. I thanked Jesus that he couldn't read minds or he'd see all the dirty thoughts I had of him.

"Are you ok ?" He asked, he placed his palm on my cheek. "You're burning up.."

I was feeling kinda hot but I didn't feel sick or anything. I found my face leaning into the intimate contact his hand gave me.

"Hailey." Calum said. "This isn't a good idea.."

He was about to pull his hand away but I grabbed his in mine and the spark I felt soar through me when I did was unexplainable. It felt like energy shooting through his fingers into mine.

"Aren't you curious about this weird connection between us, Calum ?" I asked. "I've felt it since the night we met in the woods."

Next thing I know, he has me against the wall, his body literally pressing me against it. His hands placed on either side of my head, preventing me much movement.

"Of course I am. But I'm dangerous Hailey." Calum said, his face literally inches from my own. "If I get too emotional, I could lose control and hurt you."

The heat of his body on mine made sweat start to form on my forehead. I wanted to so badly kiss him at that moment.

"I thought you said you had control ?" I asked. "Or were you lying back there ?"

His hand found my cheek again, his thumb stroking the side of my face delicately.

"I do have control. But not when I'm with you." He replied and then he pulled away and left me alone in the hallway.

What the hell was that ? 'I do have control. But not when I'm with you.' ? This man just got more complicated the longer I got to know him. What did he mean by dangerous ?

The next day, I sat up in bed and checked my phone for messages and oh boy did I have a lot... Several were from Kaden and the rest were from my Mom.

I was in so much trouble... I quickly typed a short response to both Kaden and Mom because if I called them, I'd probably be on the phone for hours.

Me: Hey, so I'm sorry it took me so long to respond but I promise I will explain later. I love you both.

I set my phone down and sighed. We were forced to run from my home because some guy was trying to break in and he was after me. Not to rob us, but me. For what reason ? I have no fucking clue.

Luke knocked and entered my room, he had his phone in his hand and was looking quite distressed.

"Did my Mom and Brother blow up your phone too ?" I asked.

"Yeah... I didn't answer because I'm not really sure what to say.." Luke said. "They probably think I kidnapped you or something haha.."

I laughed, Luke couldn't hurt a fly and I knew because he refused to squash the fly that was flying around his pizza at dinner. He said ' It was just trying to survive.'

"I sent them a text to clear that up, don't worry my Brother isn't going to murder you." I chuckled trying to lighten the mood despite everything.

"I wasn't thinking that, but thanks for putting that thought in my head." Luke half laughed.

Calum made a clearing his throat voice noise from the doorway and motioned for us to follow him out into the living room.  We sat on the couch, while Calum sat across from us.

"I know who that guy was at your house last night." Calum said, showing us a photo on his phone.

The picture was actually a digital mugshot of a young man who had dyed blonde hair and blue/green eyes. He was pale but without the 5'O clock shadow, he  looked much younger in the photo.

"What's his name ?" I asked.

"Michael Clifford, he's apart of a secret Coven of Warlocks that goes back centuries." Calum said.

"But what does this Michael person want with me ?" I asked confused. "I've been normal my whole life.. until recently.."

I was still trying to wrap my head around all this and I was still confused. Why Now ?

"They probably want to see how powerful you truly are." Calum said. "To use you against the pack. We don't have a close relationship with the Coven."

"I'm still lost here." Luke chimed in, looking at us both. "Hailey has powers ? And what do a Warlock Coven and Werewolves have to do with anything ?"

I could tell Calum's patience was wearing thin with Luke. But I understand why Luke was so confused, he had no idea what been going on behind the scenes.

"Because I am one and I've dealt with the Coven before. They want to destroy the werewolves and Hailey just might be their way of doing it." Calum said.

Me ?

A/N: Hope you guys reading this enjoy the story !

A/N: Hope you guys reading this enjoy the story !

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