Chapter 10-The Truth

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My Dad was crawling on the ground, his shoulder was torn up and bloody. The wolf transformed into it's human form and approaches him.

"Where is it, Lovett ?" He demands.

What was he talking about ?

"I know you took it from him." He spat.

"I'm not telling you where the scepter is." My Dad said groaning. "You'll never find it."

The man kneeled before my Dad, grabbing the back of his hair, tugging hard.

"I will find it, if I have to torture your family to do it, I will." He rasphed.

"Stay away from my family, they don't know where it is either." Dad stated. "I'm the only one aware of it's location."

"Well I guess I'll have to get it out of you." The man said.

And I woke up with a start, was I having actual visions of what was happening to my Dad ? Or was all of this some fucked up delusion ?

I sat up in the hospital bed, nearly having a out of body experience when I see Calum standing in the doorway of my hospital room.

"Jesus, Calum." I gasphed. "You scared me !"

"Sorry.." Calum replied sheepishly. "I keep forgetting how sneaky I can be."

He was wearing black jeans and a black shirt, his hair was a mess on his head and it looked like he had been in a fight. Yeah, a fight to save me, my friend and brother from a ravenous Wolf..

"I saw you back there, back in the woods where you saved us from that wolf." I said. "Thank you, I honestly don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come."

Calum smiled and walked over to sit on the edge of my hospital bed. I could see up closed the cuts and bruises on his body.

"I couldn't let him hurt you." Calum replied. "This is going to sound strange but I felt you back there, I can't explain the feeling but I felt you were in danger and I knew I had to come."

What was this connection me and Calum had ? Ever since we met, it's been like being hit with a math truck. Add in the terrifying visions and you got yourself anxiety.

"I've been having visions.." I started. "Visions of Werewolves and of my Dad being held by one.."

Calum looked at me confused, seeming to think over what I just said. Then it was like a lightbulb had went off and he had a epiphany.

"Do you know your family history, Hailey ?" He asked, I gave him a wary look and nodded my head.

"Yeah... I mean what my parents told me that is." I said.

"Did you know that there was a Psychic in your family way back ?" He asked. "She had great powers and was very very useful to the Werewolves back then."

Wait what ? A Psychic ? Why would my parents conveniently leave that part out ? That voice in my head started to make sense..

"What do you mean by useful ?" I asked.

Calum seemed hesitant at first to say anything at first but he soon took a deep breath and said.

"Your ancestor used this Scepter to help the Werewolves gain full control of the world. It caused mass chaos and it took a long time to heal the world after." Calum said. "She grew greedy with the power and another of your ancestors had to stop her before she destroyed the world. Then they hid the scepter and that's what the leader of the pack is after."

That must've been what that man wanted from my Dad ! But why would my Dad have the scepter ? Unless..his Dad passed it down to him !

"But I never had any of these visions before, why all of sudden am I having them now ?" I asked. "It all started when I met you.."

Calum sucked in his lips and sighed.

"Yeah... I'm not sure but we're connected to this somehow. Both of us, which if the leader of the pack finds out you are the Psychic in the family. He will come after you because you're the only one who can use the scepter." Calum says, I sat up and scooted so I was sitting next to him.

"My Dad has the scepter. But I don't know where it is." I said. "In the vision, the man I'm assuming is the leader was demanding my Dad tell him where it is.. but he wouldn't.."

Calum put his hand over mine and gave me a reassuring look.

"We will figure this out. I promise." He said.

I checked my phone for the time and realized how close to morning it was. I stood up and nearly tripped over the blanket but Calum caught me.

"You okay ?" He asked, his hands were lightly placed on my hips, the touch alone was driving me crazy.

"Yeah..." I laughed. "I've been a little off balance lately is all.."

I got out of his grasp and untangle my leg from the sheets and stretch. I was so ready to get out of here.

"I should go before your Mom and Brother show up.." Calum said.

"Thank you, Calum." I said. "I'll see you later ?"

Calum turned and a smile slowly formed on his face as he left with a short nod.

A few hours later, I was dressed and ready to get the hell out of there. But instead of my Mom and Brother, Luke showed up.

"Luke, where's my Mom and Brother ?" I asked a little confused. "Is everything okay ?"

"Yeah... they're currently helping the police to find your Dad, so your Mom asked me to come pick you up." Luke said, why didn't they call me to say so ?

I grabbed my stuff and followed Luke outside. Something felt really off the moment we reached Luke's car. I turned around and several cars down, there was a man staring directly at me.

"Luke !" I said, he looked up from fumbling with his keys.

"What ?" Luke asked, I pointed towards where the man was.

But as soon as Luke looked, the man was no longer visible in the car. Where'd he go ?

"I don't understand what you're trying to show me." Luke replied. "Come on, we have to go."

Luke opened the driver's door and got in the car. I looked and again he was back, he had a creepy smirk on his face and my stomach started to feel nauseous.

"Hailey come on." Luke said and I pulled the passenger door open and got in.

Something told me that guy was up to no good. But the question was what was he up to ?

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