Chapter 29-Aftermath

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"Ouch !" I squeaked as Calum treated my burnt wrists.

"Sorry.. almost done." Calum said as he wrapped the burns with gauzes.

After escaping from the Coven's hideout, we stopped at a hotel to rest up. Ashton and Luke were already passed out on the couch and me, well I just didn't feel safe falling asleep.

"You need to get some sleep." Calum said. "I'll stay up and keep watch."

I nodded my head and got into bed, pulling the covers over me. But my nerves wouldn't shut off..

"I'd feel a lot safer if you got into bed with me ?" I plead.

Calum smiled and gets into bed, I crawl up to him and lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner.." Calum said. "I should've ran out there after you.."

"It's not your fault Cal." I said softly, looking up at him. "I should've seen through the guise."

"You couldn't have known Hailey." Calum said, kissing the top of my head. "They're good at fooling people."

I pull myself up and lean against the backboard next to him.

"How are we going to get the scepter without Michael and his crew knowing ?" I asked. "They have to know by now that I escaped.."

He wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me close. I leaned in, my muscles relaxing at the touch.

"We'll figure this out, ok ?" Calum said, I smiled up at him.

"How did you and Ashton find me ?" I asked, he sighed before looking down at me.

"I saw you." He replied. "I had a vision of your attack and somehow, I saw you in the Coven's hideout."

I wasn't going to question it because if he hadn't, I probably still be in that god awful house.

"Do you believe in mates, Hailey ?" He asks and I look at him confused.

"Mates ?" I ask. "What do you mean ?"

Calum leans back further, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Every Werewolf has a mate. One they are connected to forever..." Calum started. "One you have this inexplicable connection to, you're my mate Hailey."

Wait... what ? I'm his mate ? If my life wasn't complicated enough, it just got more complicated.

"It makes sense." I said. "The strange connection we have, it would explain it.."

We laid there for a while, not saying anything. I felt rather calm knowing there was a reason behind our connection.

"Get some rest. You need it." Calum said. "I won't let anything happen to you."

I laid back down and shut my eyes, it didn't take long for his warm body to lull me to sleep.

Hours later
I wake up to Ashton and Luke arguing, I sit up and see I'm alone in the room. I can see two shadows arguing from the curtained window across from me.

Calum comes out from the bathroom freshly bathed and without a shirt.. I pretend to not notice and sit up on the edge of the bed.

"Why are Ashton and Luke arguing ?" I ask, rubbing the stiffness out of my neck.

"They're arguing about the scepter." Calum said, pulling a shirt over his head. "Mainly about how we're going to get it."

He sits down next to me and I lean against his shoulder as I ponder my next words.

"If we're going to get it, we better get it before The Coven thinks about the same thing." I said absolutely dreading it.

I wanted nothing to do with the scepter after all that I'd been put through because of it. But my Family was under their spell and I had to save them before it was too late. The kind of magic Michael uses can permanently corrupt a person..

"Hey." Calum said, wrapping his arm around me. "I will be by your side the whole time, I won't let them come near you ever again."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. Burying my face in his shirt, it felt nice to have someone have your back in this mess.

"What if I can't lift it from the lake ?" I asked worth in my voice. "I mean just cause I'm starting to learn how to use my powers doesn't mean I have mastered them.."

He cradled my face in his hands as I look up at him.

"You can do it." Calum said encouraging. "I know you can."

I smiled and chuckled.

"You have more faith in me than I do." I laughed.

He leans down and kisses me tenderly on the lips, my body practically melts to the touch. Kissing him always seem to make my problems look so small.

"Don't second guess yourself." He says, pulling away from the kiss. "You can and will succeed and this will be nothing but a memory."

I nod my head and that's when Ashton and Luke decided to come back in to the room. Of course they caught us in a very close position with our arms around each other.

"Are we interrupting a 'dear diary' moment ?" Ashton asked and Luke just glared at him.

"Can we just get to planning how we're going to get the scepter and save my Family please ?" I said sarcastically.

"First let's get breakfast, I'm fucking starving." Ashton said.

I go and get cleaned up before we head out to grab a bite to eat. When I come back out, Luke is the only one in the room.

"Where are Cal and Ash ?" I asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

Luke turned and ran his hand through his blonde hair.

"I wanted to talk with you in private." Luke said sheepishly. "I feel horrible that those bastards used my image to get to you and I.."

"Luke." I said cutting him off. "It's ok. It wasn't you and I know that you'd never betray me like that."

I give Luke a quick hug to assure him I am not mad at him.

"Come on, let's get some grub." I said and we went to meet the others outside.

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