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You run to your parent's room in a panic and just want to be in the protective arms of your mother.

Father wasn't home due to working in the neighboring village, but was still many miles away. He only visited maybe once or twice in a month. You basically lived in the middle of no where so he settled out to look for a job, but back to what happened.

You were awoken by your bedroom window smashed open with glass shards flying in all directions. You cover yourself with the thick and heavy blanket to protect yourself of the glass shards. You peek out of the blankets and see the monstrous figure standing in front of you. Your eyes widen in fear and hurry to get out of the warm comfort of the blanket and run to your mother screaming. You open the door and see blood splattered everywhere.

The walls. The floor. The ceiling. The furniture

Just everything

You then see your mother's lifeless body laid in the middle of the room like how a painting would be framed in an art gallery. Your eyes widen in despair and you fall to your knees.

Tears started slowly flowing down your face and turned into waterfalls. You didn't know how to react and crawled to your mother. You grab her lifeless hands and grasp it tightly while you were crying.

"Mommy..? Mommy you need to wake up... somethings coming... Why aren't you waking up Mommy?!"

While you were sniffling and begging for your mother to wake up, you didn't notice the demon standing behind you drooling from hunger. You quickly turned around after hearing the creaking floorboards and ran to the corner. The demon smirked and talked.

"Haha such a pathetic little child. I almost want to spare you. Haha! Ridiculous right? I haven't eaten in awhile and it seems someone else got to your mother over there. She looks more appetizing than you, but I suppose that can't be helped huh?"

He scratched your arm making a huge cut with blood oozing out and you screaming in excruciating pain.
The demon laughs and gives you some more terrifying wounds with you screaming through the night.

The sun began to rise and you start to lose consciousness from all the blood you lost.

"Fuck the suns up. Guess I'll finally start getting serious and eat you shall we? HAHAHAHA!"

He laughs for a good 5 seconds and you heard a swing of a sword and the demon groan from pain. The demon's blood splattered everywhere as well and got to your wounds and your mother's.
Before losing all consciousness you heard footsteps and a warm hand at your cheek. You use all your remaining strength and look up and your mysterious hero, despite the fact he didn't really save you.

You saw a young man wearing a fancy haori and the man looked at you in pity and caressed your cheek with his thumb.

"I apologize that I couldn't save you... May you rest in peace at the other side..."

His warm touch still stayed there and you smiled slightly

"T-thank you... anyway..."

He smiles and your conscience slipped away...

You woke up on the floor and felt someone softly petting your head. You looked and saw your mother, but with some minor changes, but you just had a feeling that she was your mom.

"Mommy? Is that you? What happened? I thought we died..."

You got up from your mothers lap and rubbed your eyes. She was surprised by the fact you talked and it almost looked as if she was about to cry, but she smiled and kept on petting your head.

"I thought so too... but maybe we got saved by turning into a demon"

"We got saved by turning into one of them!? I don't want to be saved by turning into a monster! I don't want to hurt people mommy..."

"Well we don't have to right? How about we help them?"

You smile brightly


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