Chapter 19

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Once you were out of sight from the civilians you immediately push him off you breathing a sigh of relief that it was all over. You both took your regular clothes and put them on both in different rooms.

Once you took off your disguise you and Tengen head back into town watching the civilians from the roof. You were confused as how no one saw you on the roofs but you didn't question it any further.

It was then 2 days after the mission began, but you found no leads. You and Tengen split up the day before to try and cover more ground and looked around trying to listen into people's conversations that involved the establishments or just anything about them. You and Tengen were on a roof looking around together this time wondering why the demon hasn't shown itself.

"I have a general bad feeling, but I can't sense a demon."

"It probably has a way to hide itself. A skill that can make them seem like any other normal civilian and  if that is the case, the demon that nests here might be a Upper Demon."

"If so... killing it would be really flashy!"

"It would be but that's not the point Tengen."

"Hey who said you can call me by my real name?"

"Hehe sorry but we've been working together for 3 days and it feels like we're friends now or is it just a one sided feeling?"

You tilt your head to the side pouting just messing with him, but he looks away with a tiny red tint on his cheeks.

"S-Sure why not?"

You laugh and you both split up again.


It was then the late afternoon when you were all supposed to meet up and report any things that could eventually evolve into leads. You met up with Tengen first and went to the destination running and jumping on the roofs since it was faster and would attract less attention than running on the roads.

After all you've through you decided to learn how to run without making a sound and you've mastered it pretty well. As you saw Tanjiro and Inosuke in the distance, Tengen called your name.


You turned and saw him running a lot more slowly with a worried face. You slowed down and stood next to him.

"What is it? You sense something?"

"I think I've put you all in danger... Zenitsu isn't gonna be there... I haven't heard from him since last night..."

You look back at them and noticed that Zenitsu wasn't with them. Your eyes widened worried as well.

"Let's at least go to them to figure out if they have-"

"No. Take Tanjiro and Inosuke out of here. If it really is a Upper Rank demon they won't last. From now on I'll operate alone."

"Hey! Don't underestimate-"

"There's no shame in that. To win is to survive. Tell them what I just said and I want you to get them out of here along with yourself."

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