Chapter 18

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You open your eyes and sit up rubbing your eyes.

"Y/N! You're awake!"

"Kanao? Kanao! You're speaking! And I didn't see you flip your coin! Or did you?"

"No I didn't."

She smiles and you smile back knowing Kanao was breaking out of her shell bit by bit. You look around and see that no body was around.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Ah well you were asleep for almost a month so everyone was discharged not too long ago, but Tanjiro went missing yesterday..."

"He went missing!? What do you mean he went missing!?"

Your eyes grew wide and you jumped out of your blanket grabbing Kanao's hand.

"I'm not sure... Everyone is looking around the area, but I'm sure he wasn't taken by a demon or else Master Shinobu would notice almost immediately and if it was a demon I'm sure he's okay. With your healing Rengoku was saved on the brink of death. He says he owes you his life. The other Hashiras have also trusted you a bit more."

You were flustered by Rengoku's statement and flung your arms.

"No, no, I was just doing any normal human would have done."

"But that's the thing. You're not human, yet you saved one even though you could have easily eaten them especially with your immunity to the sun and wisteria. You're basically a human, but with demon abilities."

"Haha Kanao you give me too much credit than I'm actually worth."

You laugh and get up.

"Oh and tell Aoi thanks for fixing my uniform!"

You change and grab your sword placing it on the left side of your hip and head out trying to help the others look for Tanjiro. You haven't seen anyone yet and you head out to the front of Butterfly Mansion and see Mr. Haganezuka with multiple knives just waiting.

"Mr. Hagenezuka! H-"

He ignores you and charges straight towards someone. You peeked out and see Tanjiro running for his life climbing onto a tree. You didn't really do anything cause it was funny to watch and the deadly game of tag kept going until dawn. Until then you decided to restrain Mr. Hagenezuka by pinning him down with his wrists tied behind his back. You took away his knives and sat him up against a tree.

"Mr. Hagenezuka! I will have to ask you to stop chasing around Kamado Tanjiro or I will have to leave you like that until morning!"

You really didn't know what you were saying , but it sounded professional enough to say. He was shouting about how Tanjiro could lose a sword and how he would have to die because of that and he squirms around trying to break free from the rope. Tanjiro hid behind you and you went inside with him. After maybe 2 hours or so you peek out from the entrance and see him there probably sleeping. You cut his rope and he tackles you.


You kick him off you and you restrain him again.

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