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"Kegan, my office. Now."

Kegan whimpered as the pack Alpha's voice echoed in his head. He knew that the Alpha would only call him to his office in order to beat the Omega or to task him with labor intensive work that no malnourished Omega would ever be able to finish.

As he trekked to the office, he caught the pitiful looks of the other Omegas and Betas, and even from a few Alphas. Their pack, the Red Claw pack, was a powerful pack on the outside, but horrifying within.

All of the Alphas and Betas were forced to be warriors and murdered if they denied it, whereas the Omegas were only tools for breeding and labor.

The Alpha lead his pack by fear, supported by the top warriors whom he treated the best so they remained loyal to him. Anyone who stepped out of line or attempted to leave would be beaten and forced to watch their family murdered, and then they'd be killed themselves.

The pack was mostly Alphas and Betas, with the Omegas in the smallest number and mistreated the most. Since there were very few Omegas, they were seen as prizes and given to the top Alphas, whether they had a mate in the pack or not.

Kegan was among the most mistreated, but he was grateful that he didn't have to be mated right one of the Alpha's top soldiers. While he was always being picked on and beaten by the Alpha himself, Kegan had never been through a forced mating or rape like some of his fellow Omegas had.

Once Kegan arrived in front of his Alpha's office, he knocked on the door with a shaky hand.

"Come in," the Alpha said in a seemingly calm voice.

Kegan knew better than to believe the Alpha was in a good mood. Many of his severe beatings had come when the Alpha was in a calm mood.

"How can I serve you, Alpha?" Kegan asked as he entered the room, keeping his eyes lowered to the ground.

"Come sit," the Alpha said, nodding to the chair in front of his desk. "I need to speak with you."

Kegan was somewhat surprised; the Alpha never wanted to make small talk with him. It was always straight to the beating, the lecture usually coming as derogatory comments while Kegan was being beaten on the ground.

Warily, Kegan sat down, still not looking up. If he did, the Alpha would claim he was attempting to challenge him and prolong the abuse. He could feel his wolf whining and begging Kegan to run for it, but Kegan wasn't stupid enough to try.

Running means death.

"Look at me, Omega," the Alpha ordered.

Kegan shuddered, his wolf begging him not to, but Kegan couldn't disobey an Alpha's orders. He glanced up nervously, choosing to focus on the Alpha's left shoulder so he was looking up but not making direct eye contact.

"Do you know who our strongest ally is, Omega?"

"Yes, Alpha," Kegan answered softly, his voice just above a whisper.

"Who is it?" the Alpha prodded when Kegan made no attempt to speak again.

Kegan glanced at the windows, longing to run outside and away from the confusing and stressful situation. He pushed the urge away and glanced back to the Alpha's shoulder.

"The North River pack, Alpha."

The Alpha hummed in agreement. "I'll be making a visit there with my Beta and a few warriors in a few days. Did you know that?"

Kegan nodded. "Yes, Alpha."

"Do you know why?"

"The North River pack will he taking on a new Alpha this year," Kegan said, wondering why the Alpha was trying to extract known information from him.

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