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When Kegan got up the next morning, dread overtook all emotion. Even though he knew the prisoner was restrained, the idea that someone broke into the strongest pack in the country to take him was terrifying.

Calix was still snoring softly, so Kegan got up and pulled on a pair of sweats, not bothering with a shirt. He walked into the kitchen, surprised but pleased to see Lys in front of the stove, Tali pretty much attached to her back.

"Good morning, Luna," Lys said, making Tali look up and repeat the same words before resting her cheek on Lys' back again. "Hungry?"

"Sure," Kegan said, hopping up on the counter. "Do you not have work today?"

Lys shook her head, cracking an egg into the pan on the stove. "I'm taking a few days off. My sous chef can handle it for a few days and there's stuff ready for him."

Tali hummed in agreement. "You should take more days off," she mumbled, standing on her tip toes and kissing Lys' neck before walking over to the fridge. "Juice or milk, Kegan?"

"Juice, please," he said, swinging his legs. "Is everyone home today?"

"I can ask Tan to stay in his room," Tali said quickly, but Kegan stopped her.

"No, he's okay to come down," Kegan said with a smile. "I'm not holding a mistake against him forever. I just needed to adjust."

Tali and Lys both broke out into wide grins.

"He'll be thrilled to hear that!" Lys exclaimed as a timer went off and she pulled a pan of fresh cinnamon rolls from the over. "Poor kid's been stressing over it."

Kegan tilted his head in confusion. "Why?"

"You're the Luna," Tali said, as if it should've been obvious. "Did you never experience the praise or anger of a Luna?"

"No," Kegan said, surprising both Tali and Lys. "Neither of the packs I lived in had a Luna."

Tali shrugged. "Well, in a pack with a Luna, the Luna's approval of you is just as important as the Alpha's. Since you're our future Luna, it was heartbreaking to Tan that you were afraid of him," she said, cutting up the cinnamon rolls. "Poor thing."

"Does Tan not have a mate?" Kegan asked, never having seen the Alpha with a mate despite him being around the same age as himself. "I've only seen him alone and I was told most mated Alphas can resist an Omega's heat scent."

Lys sighed. "They can," she said sadly, looking at her glass of juice and pouring one for Kegan. "He hasn't found his mate. He's a warrior and has been searching for them since he hit eighteen, but it's been three years and he's losing hope."

"What if they're just in a different pack?" Kegan asked. "My own mate wasn't in the first two packs I was in."

"He took a year once he hit eighteen to travel and to search for his mate. Never found his other half," Tali muttered. "He's one of our best friends, one of the few people that live in the pack house, and it sucks to see him hurting."

"Maybe his mate isn't eighteen yet."

Lys shrugged. "Maybe, but we don't know for sure," she said, before walking to the stairs and calling down the rest of their pack for breakfast.

Astra and Kai came down first, with Kai making sure her mate wouldn't trip and get hurt, while Tan lagged behind them, not making eye contact.

"Has someone woken Calix up?" Kai asked, pulling out a chair for Astra and running to the kitchen to get her food.

"He was asleep when I got up," Kegan said, grabbing his own plate that Lys made up for him and sitting next to Tan. "I didn't want to wake him."

Kai scoffed. "He's got Alpha duties today," she said irritably. "Someone go get him before I dump ice water on him."

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