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"I want to get a job," Kegan said once he and Calix were alone in their room watching a movie. "Is that possible to do?"

"If you want to," Calix said, closing his eyes. "You're going to have tasks once you're officially the Luna."

"That doesn't come until a couple of weeks after my heat, though," Kegan responded, laying his head on Calix's chest and looking up at his tired mate. "So it's still roughly a month away and I feel useless laying around all the time while you do your Alpha stuff and I just hang out around the house."

Calix hummed. "Do you have anything in particular you want to do?" he asked, slightly mumbled as he was slowly drifting to sleep.

"I don't know... all of my jobs in the Red Claw pack were laborious and things that I was good at went unnoticed," Kegan said, not caring that his mate was falling asleep while he spoke. "Does Lys need any other employees?"

"You can ask her," Calix said through a yawn. "She's always looking for help and new talent so she doesn't have to spent extra time teaching and can just have her people work."

Kegan grinned even though Calix couldn't see him. "Thank you, Alpha," he said cheerily, kissing Calix's cheek. "I'll let you sleep now."

"You should sleep, too. We've been up since three," Calix mumbled, pulling Kegan toward himself.

Grumbling, Kegan squirmed and tried to get out of his grasp. "But I'm not tired! I'm wide awake right now!"

He managed to get Calix's arm off of him only to flop over his Alpha's side like an impatient pup. Though he knew Calix was exhausted, he was bored and knew that in a few weeks he'd be stuck in the room for the duration of his heat so he wanted to be out as much as possible.

"You're awake now but you're going to crash later if you don't sleep now," Calix said, not at all bothered by the weight of Kegan flopped over him.

Kegan growled irritably, climbing off of Calix and knowing he wouldn't get anywhere with him. "Fine. I'm going to go bother Lys and Tali," he said, leaving the room.

"Don't go into the woods without someone if you choose to go," Calix told him. "My warriors said they picked up a unfamiliar scent but the wolf was long gone and the prisoner is still trapped in his cell."

"I'll be safe," Kegan promised, kissing Calix's cheek before skipping away to the kitchen.

He grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and began to eat the snack as he left the house. Everyone else was asleep from the long night except for Tan who'd been out the previous night.

Kegan figured his friend was in the prison cell where he usually spent time 'interrogating' his mate, which Kegan was sure meant that Tan was slowly falling for the other Alpha but trying to keep it under wraps.

No one else seemed to be out yet, since it was still early in the morning and a weekend, so Kegan had no problem navigating his way to the prison. He opened the door to Luke's cell before stopping in tracks.

Tan was on his knees giving the other Alpha a blow job, but he pulled away at the sound of the door opening.

"Luna!" Tan said in embarrassment and shock, but Kegan just slammed the door to the room and left the facility.

"We were right," Jade gloated, not at all phased by what they had just seen. "Tan is falling for the big bad Alpha."

"He needs to tell Calix they're mates," Kegan stated, sighing to himself.

Jade agreed instantly. "I agree. I'm tired of keeping secrets from Zakai."

Kegan agreed and their conversation ceased just as Tan bursted from the facility and ran over to Kegan.

"I swear that wasn't what it looked like!" Tan gasped, face red with embarrassment and the fact that he had a raging boner through his sweat pants. "He was just-"

"Desperate for attention from his mate?" Kegan asked teasingly, looking Tan up and down with a smirk. "It's nothing to be embarrassed of, Tan. I'm not telling anyone so you should probably go take care of your... issue."

"Yeah, let me just stand up so he can suck my dick," Tan snarled sarcastically.

Kegan raised an eyebrow. "What has he not returned the favor?" he asked, not knowing how Luke would ever convince Tan to do anything, especially with how much Tan complained about his mate.

"He has... but, like, with his hand."


Tan scoffed. "With all due respect, Luna, I'm not comfortable revealing the details of my currently illegal and secretive sex life," he said, making Kegan giggle.

Kegan was beyond grateful to be friends with Tan. Even though the Alpha had a lot of struggles in his day to day life, he was kind, sarcastic, and fun to be around. It was also nice to be friends with another Alpha so Kegan could feel safe walking around with him so Calix could focus on work when he needed to.

Eventually Kegan would join in on the fun of work when he was officially mated with Calix and became the Luna, but for now he had free reign since there wasn't much for him to do anyway. The old Luna still took care of most tasks, but she promised to mentor Kegan once he took on the role for good.

"Uh, he was asking for you, by the way," Tan said, nodding toward the prison facility.

Kegan laughed. "During the blow job?"

Tan scowled. "No! He said when I ran off. Apparently he needs to speak with you and Calix when you're able to," he said, looking more serious as he said it.

Kegan hummed. "I'll let him know once he wakes up. Did he say what it's about?"

"He said he wants to make things right and cut his link off with his old pack... that he wants to change and be better... for me," Tan said, his voice laced with disbelief. "I know it sounds like I'm just believing him because of the mate pull, but if you and Calix think it's a bad idea, I'll accept it and there will be no questions asked."

"Don't you dare make him reject that wolf," Jade snarled before Kegan could respond. "He's in love and you are not ruining this!"

"But Calix-"

"Who cares what Calix thinks?! Tan's your friend, isn't he? At least talk to the wolf and make Calix give him a chance! You got a second chance, so why shouldn't Luke?"

Kegan placed a reassuring hand on Tan's shoulder, smiling at his friend. "I'll talk to Calix and Luke. I won't trust him right away and neither will Calix, but if he's serious about breaking the bond, then I want to help."

Tan shrieked in joy and hugged Kegan tightly. "Thank you, Luna! Thank you so much!"

"I thought you hated him though?" Kegan asked simply out of curiosity.

Tan blushed and shrugged. "I've gotten to know him. He's charming and I'm... I'm falling for him. He's an Alpha and I am too, but we can always adopt and I've never been super aggressive unless my wolf is controlling me so I like his personality. I want him to guide me and to feel protected, Alpha or not," he said, almost giddy with excitement.

"Being an Alpha doesn't mean that you shouldn't be protected," Kegan said confidently, smiling at Tan. "You going back to see him?"

"My wolf is pushing me to," Tan said happily. "He wants to see Luke's face when we tell him there's a chance he'll be accepted."

"I'll do what I can to make it happen," Kegan promised, even after Tan had run off.

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