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Calix had never seen Tali and Lys' adopted sons in wolf form. In fact, he'd barely ever seen them in human form, and the times he had, they hid behind their moms or ran and found their room in the cafe for safety.

So when he found Kegan playing with two pups in wolf form he didn't know who they were. He didn't expect the two to panic and sprint toward the woods- arguably the most dangerous place for two small pups to run.

"Those were Lys' pups!" Zakai said frantically, having been yelled at by Jade once the pups ran off. "We have to find them! Especially since our own mate saw an unknown wolf roaming the area!"

Calix growled at the idea of wolves roaming his territory, but he knew that he needed to focus on finding the pair. He could tell by the look on his mate's face that Kegan was livid, but they needed to push their own anger aside and find the pups.

"Lys, your pups took off into the woods. I accidentally scared them and they took off, but Kegan and I are going to find them," Calix said through his pack link to Lys, only for the Beta to scream back at him.


"I didn't recognize them! They were in wolf form playing with Kegan and I didn't know!" Calix defended, knowing the only thing more dangerous than an angry Alpha was an angry mother, no matter the status.

Lys snarled, but stated she was going to help search and mind linked Tali about what had happened, asking for help.

Kegan lifted his nose in the air and picked up the sweet, oaky scent of the pups, as well as the mixed scent of lavender and lemongrass that followed Lys and Tali around. He put his nose to work, not waiting for Calix, and began to move with determination to find the two pups.

He tried a soft howl to tell them that he was there, as an Omega howl was easy to distinguish as it was much different than an Alpha's. The worry in him only picked up when neither of the two responded.

"Don't freak out," Jade said soothingly. "They're most likely together and we haven't heard any cries for help. I also don't think they would go very far."

"Thank you," Kegan said, grateful for his wolf's kindness and encouragement.

Kegan picked up a familiar scent and soon found Tali with one of her pups in her mouth. Even from a distance, Kegan could tell it was Oliver.

"Tali's wolf said she found Oliver but Alex ran off away from him," Jade grumbled, terrified for the pup and angry with his mate for scaring them in the first place. "She's going to take the pup home and then keep searching with us."

Kegan nodded to Tali's wolf, wishing that he had the pack link. He knew that Alex could communicate with the pack link, but the pup was probably too terrified to want to talk with them.

He suddenly picked up a strong, familiar scent. Following closely, Kegan entered a cave within a wall of rock and heard whimpers echoing inside.

Kegan howled quietly, and he was thrilled when he received and small yip in response. The sound came from further into the cave, so Kegan followed it, coming across a small pile of rocks within the space, where the tiny wolf was hiding.

Alex was terrified, shaking and whimpering. He tried to scoot away from Kegan, but the latter was quicker and grabbed the wolf by the scruff of his neck and released his own calming pheromones to soothe the pup.

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