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"Alpha?" Tan's timid voice rang in Calix's head and he shot out of his relaxed, rejuvenating sleep.

"What is it? Where are you guys? Is Kegan okay?" Calix asked as fast as he could, still laying in the bed, but wide awake in case his pack mates needed him.

Tan didn't answer right away, but Calix could feel his presence and the connection still open, so he forced himself to relax and tried to stay somewhat positive.

"Luke and I are okay, and I'm pretty sure Kegan is."

"Pretty sure?!"

"Well, we got the information we needed and we planned on sneaking out tonight but Kegan doesn't have the pack link so I told Luke and was planning on sending a message to Kegan somehow, probably through our wolves, but we were preoccupied."

Calix barely stopped himself from growling. "Where the hell is my mate, Tan?" he said angrily, knowing he sounded threatening, but he could care less.

Tan mentally sighed. "We think Leon attempted to hurt him because everything was calm for a bit and then Kegan was running off and Leon had a knife in his arm."

"You didn't catch him?" Calix asked, proud of his mate for protecting himself. "Is he on his way back?"

"That's the thing... Luke and I are ninety five percent sure Kegan has no clue how to get back to our pack because he went the opposite direction and ended up jumping off a cliff into the lake that leads to the Twilight River. You know, the lake with the waterfall? It's just outside North River territory but it's pretty well known nonetheless."

Calix had no clue if Kegan knew how to swim, but Kegan didn't really make bad rash decisions... usually. He had tried to fight an Alpha much bigger than himself, run away to infiltrate a pack he didn't know anything about, and apparently jumped off of a cliff, but he'd gotten away okay in the past.

The lake wasn't known to be dangerous, but it was in uncharted territory, as most water sources weren't claimed unless they were parts of rivers, such as the branch of the Twilight River that passed through the Blood Moon territory. That meant there could be witches, vampires, or whatever else roaming the area, but most of the time other creatures left each other alone unless they had a vendetta against a specific person.


"Is Leon sending people after him? Did he see him get out of the river?" Calix asked, fearing his mate's safety but feeling slightly reassured knowing that his mate was away from Leon.

"He sent people but we didn't see Kegan resurface. Before you freak out, the lake is really clear and we don't see him in it, so we don't really know where he went but we know he didn't drown."

"If you saw him jump how did you not see where he went?"

Calix wasn't necessarily mad that Tan hadn't seen where Kegan gone; the longer it took to find him the better, that way Calix could get to him first. He just didn't understand how no one had seen him.

"We were all kind of in shock," Tan said, and Calix could almost feel the happiness radiating off of Tan, knowing his friend was away from immediate danger. "By the time we made it to to the edge of the cliff, he was nowhere to be seen. Leon's sending me and Luke to find him since we know his scent and they're sending other warriors as well."

"How many?"

"Ten, just so he doesn't get scared off. I'm hoping Luke or I finds him, because if we do, we're heading home."

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