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"Calix, darling!" a short Omega woman exclaimed, opening the door and nearly tackling Calix to the ground. "I haven't seen you in forever, love!"

Stumbling, Calix caught the woman, smiling brightly at her. She had grey strands weaves into her dark hair and icy blue eyes that matched Calix's, except hers were a bit duller showing her age.

"It's only been a couple of weeks, mom," Calix said, a wide smiled on his face. "I've been busy."

"Busy with-" the woman paused, seeing Kegan for the first time. For a second she seemed surprised, then broke out into a grin once again. "You hide from us, son! How long has he been here?!"

"For about a week-"

"You mean to tell me that your mate, the future Luna of our pack, has been here for a full week and just now we're getting to meet him?! And may I remind you that you're only here because your father had to send Kai to find you?!"

Kegan was surprised that an Omega was being so aggressive and making the future Alpha of the strongest pack in the country cower before her.

"He was in heat and adjusting, mom!" Calix said, backing away from the severe woman, looking like a child who'd been scolded for eating sweets before dinner. "Today's the first day he's been out... except for..."

The Omega waved him off. "You father told me Tan attacked an Omega in heat," she said, turning and looking at Kegan sadly. "Poor dear. If I'd known it was your mate I'd punish Tan myself!"

"Tan is young and was out of control, mother," Calix explained as his mother continued to stare at Kegan sadly.

Kegan blushed under the eye of the Luna. He bowed his head in submission before the lady walked up to him and hissed.

"We don't do that here," she snapped, gripping his chin and tilting it so they were making eye contact.

Kegan was trembling under her terrifying gaze, not sure what she meant. "I'm sorry, Luna, I don't understand," he said fearfully, worried he'd be receiving a beating from the Luna or- goddess forbid- the Alpha.

Her gaze softened when she sensed Kegan's fear. "I don't mean to scare you, honey. I meant, we don't bow our heads in submission to other Omegas and rarely Alphas, unless we are meeting them from another pack. We hold our heads high and don't allow Alphas to walk all over us," she said proudly, releasing Kegan's chin and smiling at him, wrinkles peppered on her face from the smile. "Understand, honey?"

"Yes, Luna," Kegan promised, fighting the urge to lower his gaze to his feet.

"Call me Jolene," the Luna said, grabbing Kegan's head and pulling him toward the house. "Keep up, Calix! Your father needs to speak with you."

Calix grinned at his mother and his mate as they disappeared into the house. He could see how hard Kegan was working to keep his head up, though Calix knew he'd fall into submission when meeting his father.

They walked into the cozy cottage house, the house that Calix's father had built for him and his mate when they chose to pass on the pack to their son. It was much more relaxing to retire in a isolated cottage as opposed to the pack house, so they moved in despite not completely passing on the pack yet.

"Have you been feeding this boy?!" Jolene hissed, glaring dangerously at Calix and standing protectively in front of Kegan. "He's too skinny!"

Kegan blushed crimson in embarrassment. It was a difficult transition moving to the Blood Moon pack. Almost everyone he'd had a conversation with had mentioned how skinny he was, which was quickly becoming a source of embarrassment. In the Red Claw pack he was either fed food that was extremely calorie deprived or he didn't eat at all, the Alphas claiming that he needed to be skinny or no Alpha would ever find him desirable.

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