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Kegan had run off, hoping to get to the forest. He knew Jade wouldn't take control as they weren't on speaking terms, so he just ran and hoped he could find a place to hide and think.

He couldn't stand to be in a room with Tali or have Calix know he was crying and having difficulties with his wolf. The worst part was that he couldn't escape Jade, as they resided in the same mind.

"I'm sorry," Jade whimpered, seeing how his actions had affected his other half. "I had to to it to protect you."

Kegan ignored him; he didn't want to hear it.

The forest grew closer, and Kegan felt some relief. In the Red Claw pack, on days when the Alpha was visiting other packs, Kegan often went and laid in the woods just outside their pack house area for the peace and quiet.

He was about to break through the tree line when a low growl sounded to his right. Kegan slowly turned, his heart rate picking up and anxiety skyrocketing when he saw an Alpha approaching him, eyes clouded with lust.

Kegan wanted to slap himself. He couldn't believe he forgot about his heat, but the pain of betrayal stung more than the cramps, so he wasn't surprised.

"Go away," Kegan pleaded, backing away from the Alpha. "I have a mate."

The Alpha snarled. "Where's your mate right now then?" he asked, growling as he cornered Kegan against the wall of a house. "They're not here, meaning you're fair game."

"I hate Alphas," Jade whimpered, trying to help Kegan fight the urge to submit to the Alpha. "Shift so I can run."

"I'm not listening to you," Kegan snapped, trying to find a way out on his own. "You've given me no reason to trust you."

"I'm your wolf!"

"You stayed silent for twenty years and spoke to another wolf before ever talking to me!"

The Alpha towered over Kegan, pressing his nose to his scent glands on his neck. "Show me your neck," he murmured, seeing how guarded Kegan was being.

"N-No," Kegan whimpered, trying to pull away.

The Alpha grabbed his arm, but Kegan pushed him away, trying to make a run for it. He felt his leg being grabbed by the livid Alpha, so he screamed as loud as he could, hoping it would alert Astra or Kai, or at least a wolf who wasn't the unmated Alpha above him.

"Shut up," the Alpha snarled, pushing his palm over Kegan's neck, cutting off the Omega's scream. "There aren't enough Omegas around here so I'm not letting you get away."

Kegan tried to push the Alpha off, but he was easily overpowered. Jade was also being no help, as he was whimpering and trying to keep himself from submitting instead of trying to help Kegan escape.

The Alpha got a grip on his hair and tried to force his head back, but as soon as he did, a low growl sounded behind him. The Alpha got up and turned, seeing Calix snarling at him. Tali and Kai stood behind him, with Astra hiding at the edge of the house near Kegan.

Kegan pushed himself away from the Alpha and against the house behind him, pulling his knees to his chest. He calmed down slightly when Astra ran over to him, quickly tugging the Omega away from the fight and toward Kai and Tali.

The Alpha growled at Calix, who snarled back, approaching Kegan's attacker.

"Snap out of it," Calix ordered, glaring at the Alpha. "Don't make me force you."

The Alpha snarled again, shifting into a large brown wolf.

Calix mimicked the action, his own black wolf with golden eyes coming to the surface. He and the other wolf circled each other, both growling and waiting for the other to make the first move.

The Omega's Savior Where stories live. Discover now