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Kegan was thrown onto the ground of Leon's room, the bigger wolf shutting the door and shifting back into his human form and towering over the wolf.

"Shift," Leon ordered, nearly shaking in anger.

Kegan didn't try to run or fight back. He slowly shifted back, his newly healed wound throbbing as he shifted.

Once he was shifted back and completely naked, Leon immediately slammed his foot into Kegan's chest, catching him off guard.

"I gave you very simple instructions," Leon growled at Kegan, grabbing his arm and pulling him up, ignoring the pained cries coming from the Omega. "Do you remember what they were?"

Kegan sobbed and nodded, his entire body in pain. He could feel his wolf attempting to comfort him, but to no avail.

Leon threw the Omega on the bed and disappeared for a few seconds, before reappearing minutes later with thick ropes that he had in his closet.

He tied Kegan's arms and legs, slapping the Omega whenever he tried to fight back. Once he was tied, Leon reappeared with a box of matches, short, round candles, and a knife.

"I gave you two things to do this morning," Leon said, lighting the candle and placing it on the nightstand. "You were to shower and be waiting for me when I returned. Now, because of your incompetence and disobedience, you'll be punished."

Kegan choked out another sob. "I'm sorry! I j-just wanted to r-r-run," he cried, struggling against the ropes around his wrists.

Leon snarled, slapping him across the face. "I don't care what you wanted to do. Your place is to obey me and to carry my pups. You don't get to choose or disobey!" he seethed, lifting the knife in his hand.

"Please d-don't," Kegan pleaded, not struggling. "I'm sorry, I'll never r-run again!"

"You shouldn't have run in the first place," Leon snapped, touching the knife to Kegan's thigh. "Why did you howl?"

Kegan furrowed his eyebrows. "I didn't... my wolf did," he said softly, curious as to why Leon cared about his wolf howling.

"Don't lie to me!" Leon snarled, slicing the knife across Kegan's thigh. "Why did you howl?!"

"I didn't!" Kegan cried, the sticky blood running down the inside of his thigh and touching the bedsheets. "My wolf had control, not me!"

Leon scoffed. "It didn't tell you why it howled?" he asked, almost in disbelief.

Kegan shook his head. "My wolf doesn't talk to me," he said weakly, his wolf whimpering in the back of his mind. "We-we're not connected."

Irritated, Leon snarled to himself. "You'll be receiving four cuts on each thigh, and each one will be drenched in candle wax. Then, we are going to shower and you're going to listen to everything I have to say. Understood?"

Kegan didn't get a chance to answer, as Leon finished his statement by digging the knife into Kegan's leg once again.

The Omega cried out in pain, pleading for him to stop. As soon as he begged, Leon dug the knife deeper into the second wound.

"Keep quiet or you'll get eight on each leg!" Leon yelled, cutting the third mark into the Omega's right leg.

Leon seemed keen on taking his time, slowly slicing into the Omega's milky white flesh, watching the blood seep out. It was sadistic, and as much as Kegan was disgusted by it, he had to focus on staying silent, hoping to shorten his punishment.

His silence was thrown out the window when Leon lifted the candle and dripped the hot wax into his first wound. It burned and wouldn't cool down, Kegan's throat raw from crying and screaming.

The Omega's Savior Where stories live. Discover now