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Calix kept his arms around Kegan, humming softly as they drove. It had started to rain, the drops pounding down on the car and making Kegan shudder.

He always hated the rain. Rain was followed by thunder and lightning, and Kegan despises the natural phenomenons.

When Kegan was a pup, only six years old, he'd been running away from a pair of Alphas in the Red Claw pack and ended up outside. It was cold out and the pup lost his way back home, meaning he was trapped in the pouring rain.

Thunder rumbled around him, flashes of lightning making the pup cower against the base of a willow tree. He laid in the mud until the Alpha came out and brought him back inside.

First, Kegan was scolded for running off, the he was lectured for bringing mud into the house.

The pup received his first severe beating that night that went further than slaps and menacing words.

That night he had to drag himself back to the Omega room in order to cleanse himself of the bleeding wounds.

"Are you okay, pup?" Calix asked, noticing how tense Kegan had gotten when the first rumble of thunder echoed overhead.

"D-Don't call me that," Kegan said, hating how the Alpha was slow approaching him.

Why wouldn't Calix just reject him and get it over with? Why couldn't he just have left Kegan alone and allowed him to fend for himself?

Kegan knew that the Alpha would tire of him and beat him at some point, so why was he acting friendly and patient with the Omega?

"Don't call you that?" Calix asked, amusement in his voice. "What should I call you then?"

"Not pup or love or any other stupid nickname!" Kegan growled, making his wolf shudder at the realization that Kegan was willingly growling at their mate.

"What's your name then?" Calix asked, looking at the sandy hair in front of his face, since Kegan was still looking at the floor of the car.

"Alpha Leon just called me Omega," Kegan mumbled, not knowing why Calix even cared to know his real name.

Kegan was pretty sure that Alpha Leon didn't even know his real name.

"I don't want to call you Omega," Calix said, gripping Kegan's chin and tilting his face so they were making eye contact. "I want to know your real name."

"Why doesn't Tali tell you?" Kegan snarled, eyeing the traitor in disgust. "She knows and she's betrayed me once already."

Tali frowned. "How have I betrayed you?" she asked in surprise. She'd figured that Kegan would be happy to see his mate.

"I told you that my mate would hate me and that I didn't want to meet them! All I wanted was to escape!" Kegan yelled, finally reaching his breaking point. "You lead my mate right to me knowing that he'd reject me and not want me!"

Calix growled lowly, making both Kegan and Tali freeze. He saw the fear in Tali's eyes and figured it was the same on Kegan's bowed face.

"Look at me," Calix ordered to Kegan.

The tone was terrifying, so Kegan instantly lifted his head, making sure his neck wasn't exposed. He wouldn't bare his neck to the Alpha yet, and he'd fight back if it was forced. He also didn't want to meet Calix's eyes, so he just stared at his shoulder, much like he did with his old Alpha.

"Why would you think that I'd reject you?" Calix asked, irritated that Kegan was too scared to make eye contact. "You're my mate. The moon goddess made us for each other, so why the hell would I reject you?"

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