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Kegan woke up at eleven at night, based on the clock on his nightstand. He was caught in Calix's tight grasp, but the Alpha looked to be in a deep sleep, so he was able to squirm out of his hold without waking him up.

Once he was free, Kegan stealthily packed a bag, including his favorite pieces of Calix's clothing and a small knife to defend himself with. He ran up to Tan's room and awoke the other wolf, quickly explaining his devotion to the plan and that they needed to put it into action.

"The Alpha is going to be angry," Tan murmured nervously as they snuck outside of the pack and toward the cells. "He'll know I'm involved."

"Come with us then," Kegan suggested. "Act like you defied our pack and spy on them."

Tan shook his head. "We'll need someone here to let them know what's going on and to rally the troops."

Kegan sighed but agreed, walking into the cells. He stood outside while Tan went in to retrieve his mate, jealous and slightly upset that his own couldn't go with him.

Calix brought a sense of safety that Kegan had never had before, and he loved that presence surrounding him. It made him feel like he could take on anything, including his enemies.

Tan and Luke walked out of the cell, hand in hand, smiling like excited children. They walked to the forest and stood in the shadows so Luke could explain the remainder of his plan.

"We'll go in tonight," Luke whispered, constantly looking around to make sure they weren't being followed. "Leon's been busy lately with whatever plan he's been working on, and this mission is supposed to let me prove myself to him, so if he trusts me, I'll know what's going on."

Kegan nodded, trying to act confident and strong. He wished Calix was next to him, holding his hand and supporting him.

"Once I know what's going on, which should take me a day at the most, I'll help sneak Kegan out, we come back here and report all we've found out," Luke said, before looking at Tan. "The warriors here must be prepared at any second of the day. We don't know their plan but I assume it includes an army to conquer us."

Kegan cleared his throat to grab the attention of the two Alphas. "Great plan, but how do you expect to get me out when I'm locked in Leon's room the whole time? Not to mention that I'm sure he's going to put warriors at the door so I can't leave," he said irritably, wanting to get the information and get back to his mate as quickly as possible.

"If Leon trusts me, I can figure it out. Maybe leave during a meeting and tell the guards that Leon wants to see you?"

"Because they won't use their mind link to ask?" Kegan asked, raising an eyebrow. "This plan isn't very thought through, Luke."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Then go back and climb in bed with your Alpha. You can help or you can let their pack plot and attack us, which will result in your capture anyway," he snapped, making Kegan grumble but nod stiffly.

"Fine. Let's get going," Kegan mumbled, hugging Tan before grabbing his bag. "Please tell Calix I'm sorry and that I did this for the pack."

Tan smirked. "I'll be sure to tell him if I survive. He's probably going to kill me for letting you run off with a prisoner."

Luke snarled at that. "You should come with us then. Leave a note in the cell and come with us. I will not have you harmed while I'm gone," he said, grabbing Tan's arms and showing his fear. "Please come with us. We can make something up."

"I can't," Tan whispered, tears forming in his eyes. "Our pack deserves someone to stay behind and help them. They deserve an in person explanation and a warrior of theirs knowing fully what's going on."

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