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Astra walked downstairs, carrying both of her children with her. She sat down on the floor of the living room, laying the pups on the ground in between her legs on a blanket.

She saw Calix laying on the couch and sighed. The night before she'd asked Kai what had happened, since the yelling between her mate and the Alpha woke her up.

"Sleeping on the couch can't be comfortable, Calix," Astra said softly as he stirred and noticed her.

"I can't sleep in that room," Calix mumbled, sitting beside her and looking at the pups. "I tried, but I can't without Kegan. Every part of me is trying to get me to go get him, but I know I can't."

Astra nodded and lifted up Nova as the baby started to whimper and cry. "I understand that," she said softly. "But I also know Kegan as a friend and as our Luna. He's going to be alright."

"I don't want him near that Alpha," Calix said, lifting up Astra's son since he started to cry as well. "I want him me so I know he's safe, but Kai's right and I hate it."

Astra rested her head on his shoulder. "Calix, you've been like a brother to me since we were pups and I know you are smart and you know deep down what the best course of action is. That's why we're following you as our Alpha," she said soothingly, smiling at her distraught pack mate.

Calix sighed, still cuddling Sirius, the baby watching his with his huge eyes. "I know that I need to have faith in him, but what if he regrets it and can't get out? We can't mind link and I don't want to try to contact Tan. If he's in on this I don't want to distract him."

"That makes sense," Astra said as Kai walked into the room. "Morning, Kai. Didn't sleep much?"

Kai glared at her. "Between the pups and Calix whining, no," she said, walking to the kitchen.

Calix growled at her but stopped when Sirius started to whine in fear of the Alpha. "Sorry," he whispered even though the pup didn't understand the apology.

"Do you want coffee, Calix?" Kai called from the kitchen.

"I'll grab something from Lys'. I need to speak with her anyway," Calix said with a yawn. "She and Tali stayed with their boys last night, right?"

Astra nodded, holding her arm out to take her other pup. "What're you talking to her about?"

"About what we're going to be doing if we are attacked along with what happened last night," Calix said, standing up and yawning. "Lys is a warrior, but she's not as strong and I want her to prepare to take all of the pups and hide them here in case we happen to be attacked."

"Do your parents know?" Astra asked, knowing that they'd want to know where the future Luna was.

Kai nodded, walking over to her mate with a mug of tea for Astra and coffee for herself. "I met with them this morning. They're on guard and aren't pleased that Kegan was sent with them, but as long as Calix is okay with it, they're staying neutral and said that this is a part of learning to be the Alpha," she said, taking a sip of her beverage.

"So it's up to me?" Calix asked, grabbing his jacket and raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Kai responded stiffly. "I still think you should trust your mate and Tan."

Calix grumbled. "Thirty six hours," he said in a bitter tone, leaving the pack house and heading toward the Starlight diner.

He entered and instantly stopped in his tracks. Lys and Tali were standing behind the bar, prepping their food as their sons sat on the bar stools, turning around in shock when they saw Calix.

"M-Mommy?" Alex asked softly, pulling their attention to him as he pointed at the door. "A-Alpha Calix is here."

Oliver didn't look up at Calix, but he grabbed Alex's hand and pulled him to the booth in the back of the diner, sitting protectively in front of him.

"You're up early," Tali said as Lys went over to her pups to calm them down. "And you look like shit."

"Thanks, Tali," Calix mumbled, sitting at one of the bar stools. "I need to talk to you and Lys."

"You need a coffee with, like, nine shots first," Tali said with a grimace, pouring a mug for Calix. "Lys, bring the boys over here so they can eat."

"They don't want to go near Calix," Lys said, and Calix could see Alex trying not to cry and Oliver attempting to soothe his brother. "Sorry, Tal."

"Tell them to get over it, they need to eat and we need to talk with Calix," Tali said irritably. "Alex, Oliver, you both know that Alpha Calix is Kegan's mate as that he's a good guy. He's not going to hurt you, okay?"

Alex shook his head, forcing Lys to sigh and pick him up. However, Oliver got up and stomped over to the counter, irritated that his brother was upset and that he couldn't make the Alpha in the room go away so he'd feel better.

"You made my brother cry," Oliver said angrily, climbing up on a stool several places away from Calix. He acted strong but it was clear that he was still wary around Alphas.

Calix sighed, sipping his coffee. "I didn't mean to," he said, yawning. "Should I apologize or will that scare him more?"

Oliver didn't respond, not expecting the Alpha to say anything back to him. He pushed his face into Lys' side when she sat down, Alex still crying into her chest.

"You needed to talk to us?" Lys asked, as Tali plated a scone and handed it to Calix.

Calix nodded and explained what had happened the night before and the potential attack they could receive or give to Leon's pack if his mate didn't come back safely in thirty six hours.

"Kegan is gone?" Alex asked, but he was shushed by Lys and set down on a stool by Oliver.

"Quiet, love," Lys murmured, before turning to Calix. "Your mate managed to sneak out of bed and you didn't notice?"

"I was tired! We were up at three to help Astra with her pregnancy!"

"That makes sense," Tali said, leaning on the other side of the counter. "So what do you need from us?"

"I need you to be ready as a warrior, Tali. Lys, you and Astra are responsible for making sure that the pups are all safe if we are attacked. The pack house can be locked down, so you're going to bring them all there and stay away from the fight," he said, finally breaking into the scone and falling silent.

"You okay, Calix?" Lys asked, seeing him slouch in his seat and rest his head on the counter.

Calix shook his head, sniffing. "I miss him so much. We're not even mated yet but I feel so broken without him," he said, breaking down completely. "I don't even know if he's okay or if he's hurt or what the hell is happening."

"He's smart, Calix," Tali said softly. "He's very well trained. Smart, stealthy, and strong. If he's in danger, I know he'll find a way out of it."

"I believe in him, but I know he's still not stronger than Leon, and all Leon wants him for is-"

Lys cleared her throat loudly, looking at her kids and warning Calix not to say anything inappropriate around the boys.

"Sorry, Lys," Calix mumbled, finishing off his coffee and eating the scone. "I'm going to go train."

"No, you're going upstairs and taking a nap," Lys ordered, pointing at the stairs. "If Tan ends up mind linking you for help, you cannot be exhausted."

Calix ignored her and stood up. "I can rest without him."

"If you don't lay down right now, I swear I will tell your mother and father and they'll make you stay behind instead of taking care of your mate!"

"You wouldn't."

Tali winced. "She would."

Grumbling, Calix stomped up the stairs. "If you receive word from Tan, I don't care if he's telling you his damned favorite color, I want you to wake me up and tell me," he ordered angrily.

Lys saluted him. "Yes, Alpha! Sleep well!"

Calix cast her another glare before finding a bed and collapsing into a deep sleep, dreaming of his mate the whole time.

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