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"Do you think Tan is going to be okay?" Kegan asked as they walked back through the town.

His primary focus was to get Calix to talk to him and calm down before they got close to other people, since Calix was still being overly protective.

Calix shrugged. "I don't know. I hope he gets something. Tan is strange, for an Alpha. Unless he's being controlled by his wolf, like when you first met him, he's very non-confrontational and would remind you more of a Beta or even an Omega with how relaxed and calm he usually is. Honestly, before you showed up, he and Astra were the peacemakers in the pack house," he explained, body less tense as he began to speak about his friend.

"How is he a top warrior if he acts like an Omega?" Kegan asked, still confused by the customs of the Blood Moon pack.

Calix laughed. "Love, we don't care about your biological status here. If an Omega wanted to be a warrior and they were the most experienced and strategically the smartest, they'd be the top warrior among the others. We have a few Omega warriors, but they aren't at the top because they still have some technical things that they need to work on in order to better defend themselves," he said, before pausing in his tracks. "Actually, the warriors are training right now. Do you want to go see?"

Kegan shrugged before nodding. "Sure," he said, easily changing direction with Calix when they began to walk toward where Calix's parents cottage was.

"They practice in the field near my parent's cottage. My father always says he's ready to retire, but he demanded his retirement home be built near the field so he can keep an eye on the warriors," Calix said, laughing to himself.

Kegan giggled as well as they approached the field, finding warriors fighting in both human and wolf form. They were all aggressive, but as soon as they knocked each other down or landed a hit, they helped each other up.

In the Red Claw pack, whenever the warriors trained, the one who got knocked down was beaten until they couldn't fight back or got knocked out. So, seeing the fighters respect each other was new and shocking.

Calix noticed Kegan's confusion but didn't mention it. He approached the head warrior leading the training that day, a Beta woman named Lace, and shook her hand before turning to the rest of the warriors, who paused seeing their future Alpha before them.

"Alpha Calix," Lace said, smiling brightly. "How can we help you?"

"I just wanted to introduce my mate, your future Luna. He hasn't really met the pack and I told him about how our warriors are different from his old pack," Calix said as the pack all looked to Kegan.

"Welcome to the training grounds, Luna," Lace said, holding her hand out to Kegan and introducing herself. "Are you a fighter?"

Kegan shook his head. "I haven't tried it," he said softly, watching Lace raise an eyebrow.

"I'm surprised Calix hasn't made you learn yet. He is one of our lead warriors."

Calix cleared his throat loudly, interrupting the pair. "He hasn't been here very long and I'd like him to feel more comfortable before I ask him if he'd like to be a fighter," he said, making Kegan's jaw drop.

"Y-You want me... you want me to fight?" he asked, stepping to the side with Calix while the other warriors continued to spar and fight.

Calix decided it would be best to continue their conversation away from the group, so he tugged Kegan and pulled him toward the forest so they could walk back toward the town.

"Only if you want to," Calix promised, noticing how nervous Kegan seemed. "You don't even need to do it to be a warrior. I'd personally be happy if you chose to learn just so you can defend yourself in case we are attacked and I can't get to you in time."

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