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"Your... what?" Calix asked in a dark tone, breaking the tense silence of the room.

Tan almost cowered, but managed to stay standing strong. "My mate," he said softly, glancing from Kegan back to Calix. "He's trying to change and he wants to be accepted in our pack and-"

Calix didn't let Tan finish talking. He ran at the other Alpha and slammed him against the wall, fist enclosed around his throat.

"Get the pups out of here," Kegan ordered to Tali and Lys, not wanting them to witness their Alpha attacking his own pack mate. "Calix, stop!"

His words went unnoticed. Calix was livid, pinning Tan and snarling loudly in his face, the scent of dominance and anger of an Alpha nearly making Kegan instinctively drop to the ground and show his neck.

"What do you mean he's your mate?" Calix asked lowly, his voice so calm and quiet that it was terrifying. "How king have you known?"

"Alpha, please put me down," Tan gasped, his face slowly changing red. "I c-c-can't breathe!"

"Calix! Put him down!" Kegan begged, trying to push himself between Calix and Tan, only for Calix to push him away, as if he was protecting his mate.

"You didn't think it was important to tell us that your mate is the same person that attacked your Luna?!" Calix growled, once again pushing Kegan away when the Omega attempted to pull his arm away from Tan. "Stop it, Omega!"

Kegan felt his knees go weak in fear and submission. He'd never been called Omega in a derogatory way by Calix, but Alphas were known to use their statuses when angry and in need of control.

"Calix, please don't hurt him! He can't breathe!" Kegan pleaded, approaching the Alpha once again and grabbing his forearm. "He's your pack mate! Control your wolf!"

Calix snarled and dropped Tan before rounding on Kegan and towering over him.

Kegan felt his heart rate accelerate. He'd learned not to fear Calix and been taught that he'd be protected, but the Alpha above him only held anger and disgust in his eyes, much like all of the other Alphas that Kegan had grown up around.

Instead of trying to run, Kegan sunk to the ground, holding his hands above his head in attempt to protect himself. Even if he couldn't avoid a beating, he might as well try to stay as safe as he could.

The pain never came.

Kegan felt Calix grab him, but instead of punishing him, he growled protectively and lifted Kegan up, holding him possessively to his chest. When Kegan looked up at his mate, he still saw anger, but it was directed at Tan who was lying on the floor and trying to catch his breath.

"My study," Calix growled at Tan, who instantly nodded and ran toward the office where Calix did a lot of his work.

Kegan didn't speak a word to Calix, despite the shock fading and being replaced with anger toward his mate. He understood the betrayal that Calix felt from his pack mate, but he should never have attacked Tan.

"I'm sorry," Calix murmured in Kegan's ear, reading the anger and fear still prominent in his posture and scent.

Kegan huffed to himself, still locked in Calix's grasp. "You will be apologizing to Tan. I don't care what he did or didn't tell you. He's your pack mate and you should never attack a pack mate like that unless they betray you and put someone's life at risk," he said angrily.

"Tan lied to all of us!" Calix exclaimed as they entered the study. "He could've freed the person who hurt you!"

Kegan squirmed out of Calix's grasp and snarled at him. "I knew! He told me! He knew you'd be angry and think he would potentially betray us and keep him away from his mate!" he yelled as Tan covered his face in shame.

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