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Days passed and they were no closer to knowing Leon's business within their pack, nor had they been attacked or ambushed. Everyone was safe for the time being, as the pack was doing constant checks on their people and making sure that everyone was where they were supposed to be.

There hasn't been much action outside; everyone was ordered to stay inside unless they were a warrior. The warriors had been training just outside of the pack house and in the center of the village so they could jump to protect the rest of the pack should it be necessary.

As a lot of Betas and Alphas were warriors, Kegan and Astra had turned the pack house into a makeshift daycare for all of the pups to stay in while their parents patrolled and trained. They also made rooms into the house into public rooms for pregnant Omegas to lay in when they were tired or their feet needed a break from moving around.

Kegan was currently sitting on the ground, holding a three month old girl in his arms. Her mother and father were both Beta warriors and asked Kegan if he'd be willing to take care of their baby, which he agreed he would immediately. It was great practice for his own future children, which excited him to no end.

"Hey, you want to round up the pups and Omegas in here so they can eat?" Astra called as she stirred a huge pot of macaroni and cheese.

Kegan got up and placed the baby in the large crib that Calix had built for their pups. He'd surprised Kegan with it the day before, lightening the mood in the scary time. Kegan personally couldn't wait for their enemies to be gone and for Jade to come back. He could feel his wolf's presence, much like he could before Jade ever started talking, but it hurt to know that his wolf was choosing to stay quiet.

However, he didn't feel sorry for himself. At least, not as much as he felt for Calix; the Alpha had never gone a day without his wolf! He wasn't sure what to do or how to act without Zakai's influence, since the two were the Alphas of the pack. Yet, Calix didn't have the choice to lay down and accept defeat; he had a pack to run, but he still let the other warriors lead the training sessions since he didn't feel very capable without Zakai.

Kegan rounded up the pups and Omegas before hesitantly knocking on the door to Tan and Luke's room. Neither of them were allowed to train with the rest of the pack, since Calix claimed he wouldn't be able to look at them without feeling murderous. Kegan understood him, as he was still angry and hurt by what Tan and Luke had done to him, so he stood by Calix and his decision.

Personally, Kegan hadn't even conversed with Luke or Tan since they got back. He would tell them when meals were ready and pass information from Calix since his mate was even angrier, but he didn't sit down and have a conversation with them like he used to.

"Lunch is ready," Kegan said without any emotion, shutting the door behind him seconds later without waiting for a response.

Every time he saw Luke or Tan, he only saw Tan crying as he told Kegan that he'd never be able to have more kids. Before he was ever pregnant, Calix and he had said they wanted at least three kids, but both were eager to have more. Kegan never had siblings growing up and Calix had always loved his but wished he had more than two. A big family was what they wanted, but Tan and Luke took that from him.

Kegan didn't even bother thinking about Hallie taking from him too, since he thought it rude to think or talk bad about people who were dead. Calix had told him it looked as tho she'd been ripped apart by rogues, showcasing how angry Leon was that she'd helped Kegan escape.

"Kegan!" Oliver's squeaky voice yelled as he grabbed Kegan's hand and his attention. "I need to ask you something, but it's a secret!"

Kegan laughed at the pup, kneeling down beside Oliver. He whispered into the pups ear, making sure he was being secretive. "What's the secret, pup?" he asked, making Oliver giggle.

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