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Calix woke at one in the morning to an empty bed. His heart dropped, and he immediately climbed out of bed and ran to the bathroom, hoping to find his mate. Deep in his gut, he knew that Kegan had probably ran off, but he didn't think it would be so soon.

"Kegan?" he called, hoping that his mate would be in the kitchen getting a snack or something. "Where are you, love?"

"He's gone."

Kai's voice came from the kitchen table, and Calix turned to meet her eyes. She was sitting with a mug of coffee, having been waiting for Calix to get up, knowing he wouldn't be able to rest for the whole night with his mate missing.

"Where is he?" Calix asked, trying to keep his voice even and avoid snarling at his Beta.

Kai looked at him without an expression, the exhaustion weighing in the bags under her eyes. "Do you have to ask?"

Calix growled, running to the stairs. "Tan!" he yelled, not caring if he woke his pack mates up. "Tan!"

"He's gone, too!" Kai called, following her Alpha to the stairs, hoping her own mate stayed asleep.

Enraged, Calix turned on her. "How do you known this?! Why didn't you stop them?" he snarled, grabbing Kai's arm and pushing her against the wall.

Kai showed her neck to the Alpha, trying to calm him down. "He was going to leave anyway! I sent Tan with him and the prisoner to keep him safe," she said, closing her eyes so she didn't have to look at the livid Alpha.

"You're an Alpha! You could've stopped him!"

"I was not going to use my voice on him! He wants to protect our pack and I have faith in our Luna to do as he says he will!"

Calix increased the pressure on her arm, making Kai whimper in pain. "He will be alone with another Alpha! He could be beaten or raped, Kai! Would you have let Astra do that or are you only okay with giving away other people's mates?!" he demanded to know, not caring that their other pack mates were probably eavesdropping.

Kai didn't know how to respond. She would never let Astra do as Kegan did, but Astra would never insist on running to another pack.

"She's not a fighter. Not the same way Kegan is," Kai said softly, wincing as Calix's grip tightened. "He wants to protect us."

"When did he leave?"

Kai inhaled sharply. "Two hours ago," she murmured, grabbing Calix's shoulder with her arm that wasn't held. "You can't follow him! He had Tan and the prisoner with him, meaning they had a plan to get in. You'll just be captured by their pack and that makes us all vulnerable!"

Calix released Kai and shook his head. "He's in danger. My dad is still the Alpha, I have no reason to stay and lead. I'm going to get my mate," he said angrily, walking down the stairs and back to his room.

Kai followed closely, hoping to dissuade her Alpha. "Calix, I told them they had two days to return and if they didn't we'd send troops! Please, don't you want Kegan to think you have faith in him?"

Calix snarled and slammed Kai into the wall harshly, his eyes partially gold, voice deeper as Zakai demanded control. "Don't you dare assume I don't have faith in my mate!" he bellowed, making Kai once again show her neck in submission. "I'm going to get him back."

"Please, Calix, you can't," Kai begged. "The prisoner said we need to be on our guard. I promise Kegan will be safe."

Calix snarled at her, releasing Kai from his grip and pacing the room irritably. He knew she was wrong; anywhere near Leon was dangerous for his mate. Yet, he knew Kegan would probably be hurt knowing that his mate didn't trust him to help their pack.

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