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(Y/N) = Your name


You lived in a simple rural area, surrounded by forests teeming with various flora and fauna, including magical beasts. Ever since you lost your family you've learned how to live off of the forest's resources on your own. No one in the nearby villages took you in. Rather, you didn't want anyone to take you in. 

Every once in a while, you would leave the huge forest and visit the nearby villages, and chat with the people. You were known as the cheerful and helpful forest girl. But whenever someone got too friendly with you, you distanced yourself from them. 

You never had anyone you would really call a friend.


A silver-haired boy and a black-haired girl were taking a stroll around one of the villages' marketplaces. The boy firmly held the smaller hand of the girl. She eagerly looked at her surroundings, "Onii-chan, can we go over there?" She asks, excitedly pointing at one of the stalls selling some dolls made of straw. 

"Yeah sure, Alluka," said the silver-haired boy, smiling softly at her. The girl, Alluka, giggled excitedly and began dragging her big brother toward the stall. Suddenly, the boy's phone started ringing. "Sorry, Alluka... can you wait here for a bit?" He stops her and takes the phone call. "Kurapika?"

Alluka starts pouting, looking up at her big brother impatiently. She tugs on his hand, earning no response from the boy. "...Since it's you we're talking about here, I'm sure you're gonna end up butting heads with Bisky," he says to the phone, ignoring Alluka's actions. 'Who's Bisky? And who's Kurapika?'  Alluka asks herself. She tries grabbing her brother's attention one more time. After making sure he had his full attention on the phone call, Alluka slowly released her grip on her brother's hand and started toward the stall on her own.

"Hopefully Onii-chan doesn't get too mad that I let go of him.." she smiles to herself as she began running towards the stall full of straw dolls. 

You happened to be strolling around the area as well. In the corner of your eye, you saw a black-haired girl dressed in a kimono checking out the stall selling straw dolls.'Woah, I've never seen someone dressed like that before' you thought to yourself as you began making your way towards the girl.

But before you could make it, she began to leave, "Aww, that's too bad. I wanted to talk to her" You pout. As you watch the girl leave, you saw, in the corner of your eye, the village's delinquents snickering as they followed her. "Oh no, here we go again," you say to yourself, briskly walking towards her once again.

Sadly, this area had a group of delinquents who loved messing with foreigners. The village isn't proud of it, for sure, but they couldn't bring themselves to do anything about it. As long as they haven't committed any REAL crimes, they were left alone.

The group approached her and towered over her. You could see that the girl's face began to change from excitement and wonder to fear, as she slowly backed away from them.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" You say, stepping in between the girl and the group. "Oh, look, it's (Y/N)! The girl living in the forest." Said one of them, totally unfazed. "Look, we were just having a little chat with her, so can you please stop butting in each time?" 

"Hmm, really now? It didn't seem like you were just talking to her by the looks of it." You gesture toward the girl, who was hiding behind you in fear. "Leave her alone." You say, glaring at each delinquent.

Suddenly, one of them moved to punch you. You barely dodged as you tried to protect the girl behind you. "Heh, you asked for it." You scoff, punching the guy in the face with twice as much force. He staggers back, blood dripping from the corner of his lip. 

In anger, the rest of the group corner you and the girl to a wall, but before they could deal some serious damage, each one of them collapsed out of nowhere. They were all unconscious. "What..." You mumble. Looking at each of them in shock. "Onii-chan!" The girl behind you says, jumping from behind you and into the arms of a silver-haired boy your age.

'Hold, up... did he knock out each and every one of them?! I didn't see a thing!' 

"Hey, thanks for looking out for my little sis." The boy said to you, totally unfazed by the situation before him. He turned to the girl, "Alluka! What were you thinking?! You could have seriously gotten hurt! What did I tell you about wandering off on your own?!" He scolded her, pure frustration and worry etched onto his features. Aside from his messy, silver hair, he had very pale skin, and piercing blue eyes that reminded you of the cornflowers you've seen in the forest. 

"Sorry, Onii-chan. I got too excited!" Said Alluka, hugging his big brother tightly. You stare at them curiously. This was the first time you saw someone show how much they cared by being so worried that they got mad. 

Alluka turned towards you with a big smile on her face. "Thanks a lot Onee-chan! Things would have gotten a lot worse if I actually got hurt" She laughs cheerfully.

You cleared your throat, "Uhh, you're welcome. I just couldn't tolerate them, that's all," you reluctantly say, gesturing at the delinquents passed on on the ground. 

The silver-haired boy looked at you, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I'm Killua. This is Alluka," he says, putting a hand on Alluka's shoulder.

You smile back. "I'm (Y/N)." 

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