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<Sean POV>

'So are you going to finally admit that you were staring?' Julian chuckled, his smirk wearing off.

'Jules, I just asked the librarian a question, that's it' I stated walking out, while pulling my hood over my head.

'And who might that certain question be about?' Julian asked now trying to stifle his laugh.

'Nobody. It was about nobody. Now shut up, I want to go home' I muttered keeping my head down to avoid Julian witnessing my rose tinted cheeks. I kicked around a few pebbles and stones here and there before Julian spoke up again.

'We should go get something to drink. All this walking is making me so damn thirsty'

'I just want to go home, Jules' I said plainly but the more I thought about it, the more I wished I had a drink to quench my dry throat.

'Oh come on, Sean. It's about time we go out for something to drink' Julian begged. I scrunched my face up before shaking my head 'no'. 'Please dude.' Julian begged again.

'I said no. Now please fuck off' I grunted not even surprised by my outburst, knowing that it's become more frequent lately.

'Literally 5 minutes ago, your head was wrapped around someone else, and you actually seemed happy for once. I want to see that Sean again. I miss him' Julian said making me feel guilty about my previous statement.

'Fine. But we're gonna order our drinks and then leave. No talking. Got it?' I said firmly.

'Okay, fine.' Julian scoffed, clearly unhappy with my change in attitude. We walked an extra few blocks before finally reaching our destination. Yours & mine Café. I closed my eyes feeling all the memories I made with her fill my mind.

'It'll be okay. Order and leave' Julian comforted me, patting my back. I gave him a small, thank you smile before taking a step inside. I heard a bell ring from above our heads when we opened the door, as some baristas gave us a small wave and smiles. People were busy chatting away, taking sips of their drinks while cutting into their cream filled pastries.

Julian shoved me in the line when I heard a familiar voice.

'I'm so sorry K. The drive thru's closed today, but don't worry, I'll order. I'm so sorry' the friend of K whom I had seen in the libarary said repeatedly. K shook her head as she stepped out of the line, as she bit her lips, her hands shaking. Is she okay?

'Don't worry K, it'll be okay. I'll just order and then we can leave' K's friend assure her again. 

'Dude, stop eavesdropping into other peoples conversations.' Julian whispered nudging my ribs. I gave him a slap to the stomach before ignoring his latest request. 

'Hey guys, what would you like to order today?' The barista asked us cheerily.

'I would like an almond Frappuccino' Julian answered, he moved to the side slightly in order for me to make my order.

'Could I have one medium raspberry truffle frappucino?' I asked as I felt my stomach growl at the mention.

'Of course, that will be $12.42' the lady requested pressing a few buttons on the machine. Julian rummaged through his pocket, but I kept one arm on his hand while I paid up. Julian's been constantly paying for my actions, so its only fair.

'You didn't have to pay, you know?' Julian said as the barista handed us our drinks.

'I know, but I wanted to' I replied letting out a sigh. I turned on my heel as I began to make my way out of the store until I felt a cold shiver run down the front of my hoodie.

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