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Day 3

<Kaycee POV>

'Ready for day 3, with your boyfriend' Chloe teased, as we walked down the alley towards the libarary. Today we were doing something I enjoyed. So, obviously I chose reading in a library. There's nothing quite like a good book.

'You know K. I was thinking about it and I really think you should have went with Sean to that dance class yesterday instead of going to the carnival. I know it's hard but it would have been good for you' Chloe sighed. I blew out a heavy breath, typing out a message on my phone in the process.

To Coco 🐻 ❣️:

I can't do it Chloe. It's too hard. I just cant do it.

'You have to forget about the past, K' Chloe comforted.

To Coco 🐻 ❣️:

How am I meant to forget my past, when I'm the reason my mom died?

'Oh K, it's not your fault' Chloe gasped, bringing me into her embrace. 'It could never be your fault'. 'Laura was a dancer, she would love it if you grew up in her steps'

To Coco 🐻 ❣️:

Maybe she would, but dad wouldn't, I've just made his life a living hell. I can't torture him more by telling him that I'm going to take dance classes.

'He would be proud, K' Chloe uttered. 'I would be proud'.

To Coco 🐻 ❣️:

Maybe one day, but for now I think I'll just stick to my private dancing.

'Okay, but seriously K. You're so talented.' Chloe mumbled, giving my shoulder a slight squeeze before we entered the library. Chloe led me to where two boys were seated as she placed her bag onto the ground. If I was being completely honest, I wasn't exactly excited to see Sean. After last time, it seemed like he was going to tell me that he loved me. I can't be loved, I'd only let him down. But what am I saying, he was probably gonna say something else, it's just all in my head.

'Hey Kayc' he whispered scooting closer to me. I responded with a small smile, laying my book onto the table in front of me.

'Nah uh' Sean muttered, swiping my book away and replacing it with another one. 'I don't mean to sound stalkish or anything, but I've noticed the type of books you read. And when I saw this book on the shelf, I thought you would love it' he whispered, his breath hot on my neck. 

I flipped the book around, the cover now facing upwards. I'm not just a dancing sweetheart, it read. The pages were filled with inky, loopy writing under various amount of pictures of couples dancing under the night sky. Woah. The very first page contained a photo of a dancing couple, their bodies weaved perfectly together, their hands laced tightly around each other, their faces filled with pure bliss. At the side of the photo it wrote, I'm not just a dancing sweetheart. I'm your dancing sweetheart.

'Do you like it?' Sean asked me in a whisper, reading my facial expressions. I nodded my head, carefully taking a quick glance at him, as if the book would disappear if I looked away too long.

'If I'm going to be completely honest, Jade actually helped me pick it out' he whispered, chuckling lowly. I gave him a another appreciative glance before sinking my self into the depths of this diary. 

'When I saw this book, it reminded me of you, Kayc. When I saw you dance last week, you were unbelievable' Sean mumbled, forcing me to stop reading and look at him. 'Your dancing was full of so many emotions, it felt so real. It felt like I was watching your whole life story'. I bowed my head shyly, not being able to take the compliment. 

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