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Today's the day, the day where I-well more like Chloe has to ask Sean to come to a therapy class with me. It's been three days since our last meet up with Doctor Charles, and Chloe and I have been thinking of ways to meet up with Sean. Ugghhh. I guess a part of me did want him to say yes, cause I mean why not. But another part of me just wanted him to decline the offer so that I didn't have to make a fool of myself in front of him again.

'That's final, then. We'll meet up with Sean and Julian at Mine & Yours Café  and we'll ask him there. Let me text Jules' Chloe explained typing out a message and clicking send. Oh gosh, I can't belive this is happening.

'Oh look, he said cool, he'll be there in 10... lets go K' Chloe exclaimed showing me Julian's reply. I began chewing on my lip, humming quietly to myself to distract the amount of anxiety that was coming over me.  Why me?

'K, don't worry. It's one class and that's it. You'll be okay' Chloe whispered to me, pressing her cheeks to my own. I gave her an appreciative smile before getting ready to leave. Purse? check. Bag? check. Form? check. Phone? check.

'Come on K, or we'll be late'. I shuffled my feet over to the door feeling my knees go weak but controlling my balance by shifting my weight to each foot.


'Hey Chloe. Hi Kaycee' Julian greeted giving the two of us a short hug. I nodded my head back in reply.

'Hi Chloe, Kaycee. How are you?' Sean started leaning his face into his hands.

'We're good...actually we wanted to ask you a favour' Chloe muttered taking a glance at me. I took in a deep breath before signaling her to continue.

'So this may sound really weird and awkward, but Sean, would you be able to go with Kaycee to one of her therapy classes' Chloe asked squinting her eyes.

Sean looked taken aback, clearly not expecting her to say what she said. 'Are you not able to go with her?' Sean asked in reply.

'Uhm- well I am, but Kaycee's therapist wanted you to go with her. I know that sounds crazy and all, but please no more questions... Will you do it?' Chloe questioned. I didn't even bother looking up anymore, he'd probably say no. By the way his eyes and nose scrunched up, and his body stiffened, I don't think he wants to come with me.

'Sure' he replied chirpily, causing me to snap my head towards him. 'What time is it at?' He asked again.

'In like half an hour. K knows the way.' Chloe replied as stunned as I was.

'Well we better get going then. Wouldn't want to be late, now would we?' Sean chuckled sliding out of his chair. I gave him a small smile before hugging Chloe tightly.

'You'll be okay,K. I promise. If anything happens, text me' Chloe whispered into my ear, sensing my nervousness.

For the first time since Chloe popped the question, I glanced at Sean. His lips were tugged up ina megawatt smile, his dimples forming at the side of his mouth, his eyes crinkling. Cute. He must be really crazy if he accepted an offer to go to a therapy class with a stranger.

'Bye Jules' Sean waved off.

We walked down the streets in silence, my hands slotted in my hoodie, my lips trembling ever so slightly. 

'Hey, it's okay' Sean mumbled breaking the silence. My eyes found his, confused onto how he knew. 'Your lips were quivering' he chuckled as if he could read my mind. I let out a a quiet 'oh' before continuing to walk.

'You know Kaycee, I don't know what it is exactly, but there's something special about you' Sean told me elongating our conversation. He didn't wait for me to say anything. 'It's like-like...I don't even know, you just seem special' he finished letting out a happy sigh. What does he mean? 

I lifted my head up when we walked in front of an ancient, red brick building with the sign Therapy with Charles. 

'Odd name isn't it?' Sean chuckled for the nth time. I let out a small giggle before stepping inside.

'Kaycee, Miss Rice. Good to see you again. Ah, and I see you've brought your friend with you. Perfect' Doctor Charles announced giving Sean a firm handshake. Friend? Nope. Stranger? Yes. I took a seat in my usual spot before Sean copied my actions.

'So how are you today?' Charles asked me. 

'G-go-g' I began before deciding to just nod my head. 

'Okay, so what's your name sir?' Charles asked directing his attention from me to Sean.

'Sean' he replied slightly enthusiastically.

'Sean' Doctor repeated scribbling down his name onto a sheet. 'How long have you two know each other?' 

'Um probably like a week or two, but even then we've only had a proper interaction like once excluding right now' Sean laughed.

'Hmm, okay' Charles muttered. 'If you don't mind, I need to go print a few sheets out, and bring in a few paperworks in. I'll only be a minute. In the mean time, I want you guys to try to talk in some sort of way, just try' Charles explained exiting the room. He said try, so I don't have to. Right?

I snuck a glance at him, examining how there were no more dark circles under his eye from the first time we ever bumped into each other.

'So Rice is your surname?' Sean asked me. I nodded my head yes. 'Nice' he mumbled. He opened his mouth again before he stoppped himself. I could feel myself stiffen, clutching onto the armrest for dear life. Please don't talk, Sean. Just don't. 

'Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. I'm sorry' he whispered attempting to pry my hands off the chair. 'Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, it wasn't my intention. Sorry' he said quietly, a sense of calmness ran through my body when I felt his fingers brush against mine.

'You'll be okay, yeah?' He asked successfully gripping my fingers of the chair. I didn't reply, just sat there staring at him. He glanced down at my hand, and instead of letting go, he intertwined our fingers causing our palms to rub against each other. 'You will be okay, Kayc' he whispered, rubbing smooth circles onto my thumb. Okay, I could get used to this.

'Here's the paperwork... looks like you two had a fun time' Doctor Charles laughed looking briefly at our connected hands. I could feel my cheeks flush a deep colour as I tried to wiggle my hand out, but Sean gripped on tighter keeping my hands locked in his. 

'There's a list of things written on here that I want you to do, or at least try. I'll be in contact with Chloe to know for sure that you've done them, so don't even bother trying to lie, Miss Rice' Doctor Charles elucidated handing me a folder full of sheets. I scrunched my face up in disgust. So now I have to do homework? Ughh.

'That's it for today, then. I'll catch up with you again' doctor Charles said.

That was shorter than usual, my eyes said. Doctor Charles just gave me a wink, wiggling his eyebrows to our interlocked hands. Oh great!

'Bye kids' he added excusing himself from the room.

'I'll take that' Sean stated letting go of my hand. A frown formed on my face at the loss of contact. Cold. He pulled the folder out of my hands, making sure it sat straight up before gripping my wrist and bringing me to face him closer.

'You're so perfect' he whispered before moving his hand down from my wrist to my fingertips. I could feel my eyes flutter close, as it suddenly got hot. Butterflies were swimming around in my stomach as I realized our proximity. His face was right above mine, our bodies practically flushed agianst each other. 

'You're okay, right?' He asked me a tiny bit of concern etched in his dark orbs. I nodded my head taking in a gulp. Oh god, what is he doing to me?

'Let's go then' he said basically in a whisper keeping the serene atmosphere alive.







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