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Day 1

<Kaycee POV>

'Chill K, it'll be okay. We're just watching a movie at their house. Besides I'll be there too' Chloe comforted as she watched me pace around the room, pulling at my hair and throwing my head back in frustration. Why? Just why?

'If it doesn't go as planned, we'll leave. Okay? I just want to see you get better K. I want you to be better. And that won't happen unless you try really hard' Chloe mumbled sitting me down beside her. 'And...you'd be lying if you said that you weren't excited to go, I mean come on the two of you were holding hands. He clearly has the hots for you' she chuckled talking about Sean.

I let out another groan as I whined bringing my knees up to my chest. Ughh, someone please save me.

'Now come on, let's go' Chloe exclaimed clapping her hand in the process. 'Jules send me the address, it says 34 Bridge-panel square. Do you know where that is?' She asked me squinting her eyes as she made sure she read the address right.

I nodded my head, slinging my bag over my shoulder before heading out the door. I like to adventure around this place. That's why I basically know where everything is. Not many people know that there's a forest with a mini hut on the outskirts of this city. No one knows about the lake that's reflects the sunset at the opposite side of the bridge. No one knows about the shabby, old lemonade stand that is still standing in the midst of a blueberry bush. And lastly, no one knows about me. Apart from the librarian, Chloe, my therapist and now Sean and Julian, no one knows about me. 

'Stop overthinking this, K. Just imagine that it's just a movie night with us two. Nobody else, just us... unless you want to include Sean' Chloe smiled. Is she trying to make me feel worse?

'Left or right?' Chloe asked as we stood on a two way road. I pointed my finger left before walking ahead of Chloe so that she wouldn't bring up the Sean situation anymore. 

<Sean POV>

'Calm down, bro. You look fine' Julian spoke. 'It's just Kaycee anyways.' Julian muttered.

'Eaxactly its Kaycee, I want her to have a good impression of me' I mumbled.

'She will, now come on please, we need to get the snacks ready.' Julian groaned.

'Okay fine, but don't get my shirt dirty' I replied brushing down the creases. Julian rolled his eyes before whispering 'drama queen'. Kaycee and Chloe were coming over today for a get to know each other kind of thing. We were going to play 21 questions or truth or dare.Simple, right? No. I wanted to be 100% certain that Kaycee wouldn't feel uncomfortable and that'd be hard considering the fact that the games involve talking. What was I thinking?

Ding Dong. Oh shoot, they're here.

'Get the door, Sean.' Julian shouted from the kitchen. I inhaled a deep breath, wiping my clammy hands on my pants before turning the door handle open.

'Hey guys, how are you?' I asked hesitantly moving over to the side, letting them come in.

'We're good' Chloe answered pushing Kaycee inside. Kaycee had her head bent down, fiddling with her fingers.

'Jules is in the kitchen, he'll be here in a minute. Make yourself at home' I spoke softly leading them into the sitting area.

'Thanks Sean' Chloe answered removing her coat and resting it on her knees. Chloe sat down on the three person couch along with Kaycee leaving space for one more person. Should I sit beside her? No, I'd probably make her feel uncomfortable. But then again, she'd probably rather me sitting next to her than Jules, right?

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