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Since we're in quarantine why not write a new book :)

Y/n -

Living in a small town like Hawkins, Indiana means everyone practically knows everyone, especially when you're the chiefs daughter.

Being someone people can trust I babysit 4 little rascals, mike, Lucas, will, and Dustin. These boys have dragged me into so much shit over the past year. We've escaped death multiple times, fought monsters from another dimension, and lost a girl who has super powers.

Well actually the last one isn't all true, she's actually now my sister. One day my dad found her in the woods and decided to adopt her. For her safety we hide away in our little cabin deep in the woods. If Mike ever found out she was living with me this whole time, he'd be so devastated. It hurts me so much keeping this secret from him,  but I know it's what's best for El.

These days the boys have been spending less time playing D&D, and more time hanging out at the new Hawkins arcade.

"Who the fuck is madmax?" Dustin yells as I walk over and see that this "madmax" has beaten him at dig dug. "Dude, Dustin it's just a game." I say trying to calm him down.

"No y/n it's not just a game." He says pushing past me. "Where the hell is Keith." He continues as he walks towards the front of the arcade to find the manager. I love these kids but sometimes there a pain in the ass.

" who's madmax?" Dustin ask Keith. "Better than you." He says and Dustin flicks him off. "Just tell us who they are." Dustin begs.

"I'll tell you...if y/n agrees to go on a date with me." Keith says smirking. Dustin looks at me. "No way dude." I say to him.

"You m or what never mind, let's just go." Dustin says giving up.

As we are walking out of the arcade a car with blaring music speed out of the parking lot.

"Where ever they are going better be important." I scoff.

After Will has another episode, I send all the kids home. Lately he's been worrying me. Last year was a rough year and I'm afraid I'm gonna lose him again.

I make sure all the kids bike off safely before I hop in my car and head home. I pull up the opening of the woods and park my car. I get out and walk up to the house making sure I step over the traps we placed. The last thing we need is for someone to find our house in the woods and intrude.

I get to the door and I do our special knock so we know it's each other. Eleven opens the door and I smile. "Hey." I say. "Hey." She says smiling back.

" is dad not home yet?" I ask her as I walk In the house closing and locking the door behind me.

"No he's late again." She says. I know my dad loves us but he also loves his job, so he's not ever really home at night.

I pull some eggos out of the freezer and look over at el. " Eggos?" I say smiling trying to cheer her up. She smiles back and nods her head.

I pull out the toaster and cook them up.

"How is he?" el says referring to mike

"He's fine. He literally won't shut up about you." I say smiling at her. She smiles back but still looks sad.

"Hey I promise y'all see him soon." I say and ruffle her curly brown hair.

For the rest of the night we ate our eggos and had small conversations. We watched tv on the couch and she slowly feel asleep with her head in my lap.

As I turn off the tv I heard a knock on the door. It must be my dad. I slowly pick her head up and go to open the door. I opened it and let my dad in. " she's asleep, so be a little quit." I say to him as he walks in. "Is she mad?" He asked me. " no just a little upset." I tell him.

He walks over to her and picks her up to bring her into her room and tucking her in.

He walks back in the kitchen and grabs a beer. "So...how are you?" He says as he sits on the couch. " Im doing good. Busy day at work?" I ask him. "Yep, just trying to keep theses kids safe we don't need another incident." He says. " yeah... well I'm going to bed. Goodnight dad." I say giving him a hug. "Goodnight sweetheart."

I walk down into my room and slightly look into elevens room to make sure she's ok. Ever since my little sister died I have been overly protected of the kids. I can't go through that pain again.

I wake up and get ready for school. I walk into the kitchen to see my dad passed out on the couch with an empty beer can on the table. I grab it and through it away.

I make eggs and bacon And I eat some making sure to leave a small portion for el and dad and I head out.

Out front was Steve Harrington. "Hurry up, I don't got all day." He says jokingly.

Ever since me, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan fought off the demogorgen, Steve has changed. He was actually an ok person to be around when he's not being a dick and we actually became best friends. So he has agreed to drive me to school. Even though he doesn't like to admit it, he loves my taste in music.

Before this all happened it was just me and Jonathan. We have been friends since like the 6th grade and that was until he started spending more time with Nancy lately. Don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with Nancy, we just don't talk and let's not forget she's dating Steve.

I didn't really think much of it until I caught him and Nancy  buying a gun. That's when I noticed that he has feelings for her. Even though he won't admit it, I just know.

I get in the car and we're on our way to school

A/n hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I know nothing much happened but I just wanted to "introduce" the characters and there life's.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now