𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4

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Halloween. A holiday where kids run around collecting candy form houses. The boys like to call it the best night of the year and they take it pretty seriously.

They all planned to dress up as ghostbusters this year . Dustin even made a trap that actually opens and closes.

To bad I won't get to spend "the best night" with them because I agreed to go to Tinas stupid party with Nancy and Steve.

Dad was actually up this morning and we were making French toast for breakfast.

I turn around and i jump. My dad turns around and does the same.

"Gosh eleven you can't do that." I say. She was dressed up with a sheet over her head with 2 cut out eyes.

" ghost." She says. "They won't see me."

"What are you talking about." My dad says placing French toast on all our plates.

"Trick or treat." She says. "You want to go trick or treating? I'm sorry kiddo it's to dangerous." He says.

"But why they won't be able to see me." She says

"Because letting you go would be stupid." He says raising his voice a little.

"And we're not stupid." She mutters. She takes the sheet off of her head and sits down. She looks really sad. I know how much she really wants to go. I was a kid once Halloween was a blast.

We all sit down at the table. I grab the syrup and start to put some on my food. My dad glances at el and I know he can tell how sad she is.

"Hey how about...I get off of work early and buy a big bag of candy and the three of us can watch scary movies together." He says.

"Actually I'm going out with friends tonight dad." I say.

"Well then it's just me and you kiddo. What do you say do we have a compromise." Eleven shakes her head. "5-1-5?" She says referring to the time.

"Yes I'll be home at 5:15."

We enjoy our breakfast and I grab my backpack heading out to Steve's car to go to school.

I've never dreaded anything as much as me going to this party. I felt like today flew by instead of it's normal dragging along.

I looked through my closet for a something I could consider a costume.

"Fuck it." I say deciding to just wear what I was wearing to school. A plain band t-shirt tucked into my jeans and a jean jacket.

I see eleven sitting on the couch flipping through tv channels. " I'm sorry you cant go trick or treating." I say giving her a sad smile and sitting next to her.

"It's ok." She says laying her head on my shoulder and we watch tv together until Steve honked his horn A couple times.

"Bye, have fun with dad, and make sure you lock the door." I say while leaving.

I get into the backseat and buckle up. " hey Nancy, Harrington." I say.

" I can see you decided not to dress up." Steve says.

"Same for you. What are you supposed to be. Cool guy named Steve." I say.

"No, amazing looking guys named Steve." He said smirking.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now