𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5

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I have never seen Steve cry before. I wrapped him into my arms and let him cry. I could tell this really effect him. He gathered him self together and started driving me home.

"Are you going to talk to her tomorrow." I ask to fill the silences.

"I don't know she said what she said." Then it went silent again. "The worst part was I had a feeling she didn't love me. All the time she spends with Jonathan. The way they look at each other. I don't know I aways felt some sort of way but I didn't want my jealousy to take over me." To be fair I saw it to. Nancy and Jonathan have this connection.

"I'm sorry Steve."

"It's ok. I'll be ok." He said while pulling into the opening of the woods.

I get out the car. "Call me if you need to talk and don't be stubborn and think you don't need help." I say.

"Ok I will...try." He says smiling. I give him a little salute and walk off.

I walk in the house to see my dad passed out with candy every where. I see the chord to the tv going into els room. What the fuck.

I picked up all the empty candy wrappers and throw it away. I wrap a blanket on my dad and I head straight to my room.

I laid down on my bed. What a night. I replay what happened in my head. Party's were exactly what I expected. People trying to fit in by getting wasted and dancing.

I think back to the conversation I had with billy.

"Yeah I know, nothing to do, nothing to really see but since it's a small town you get to make good connections with the people here."

"Well maybe if you gave me your number we..."

Wait did he really ask for my number. But I ran after Steve.


Goddamn it Harrington.

In the morning everything seemed normal. Steve seemed ok. Not his normal self but he was ok. He drive us to school and we went inside towards our lockers.

"Steve I think you should talk to her." I tell him as I open my locker. He looked at me. "We'll see.." he says shutting his locker and walking off to class.

I shut my locker and turn and see billy walking down the hall. We make eye contacts but he quickly looks away.

I walk to class and sit in my normal seat. I quickly scribble my number on a piece of paper and sign my name in the bottom. Billy comes in the classroom and plops down in the seat next to me.

"Hey I'm sorry about last night." I say.

"Yeah, yeah Harrington has relationship problems." He says.

"Here." I say handing him he Note. The bell rings. He turns to me and smirks.

Lunch rolls around and Steve wasn't here nor was Nancy. It was just me and Jonathan. We sat at our normal table and I started eating my food. I didn't bother to pack anything so I was stuck eating the schools "meat loaf" if you can even call it that.

"This is shit." I say picking at my food. "Yeah I know, I don't even bother to eat it." Jonathan says.

"You think there talking." I say.

"Probably." He says.

"You know Jonathan. I know you like her. I can see the way you look at her and the things you do for her." I say.

"Phew no..."

"Jonathan stop lying to me. Remember when we told each other every thing."

"Ok your right maybe a little but I didn't want to interfere in her relationship with Steve. That's just not the person I am. I thought I would finally have her after we had our battle against the demogorgen but then a month later she got back with Steve." He says.

" That must suck. Seeing someone you like with someone else."

"It really does." He says.

We keep talking and we "eat" our lunch as we wait for the others but they never show up.

After school I went to my locker to put my stuff up. I saw Steve walking down the hallway. By the look on his face I'm guessing the conversation didn't go the way he wanted it to go.

"She didn't remember what happened. So I told her and she still couldn't tell me she loved me. I can't believe this whole time I though we were in love, apparently not." He says rushing to put his things away.

He closed his locker and started to head out of the school. I closed my locker and rushed to catch up to him. He kicks rocks as he heads to his car.

" you know at least it's Friday." I say smiling trying to cheer him up. Which clearly didn't work.

"Like how can someone do that. I loved her. I thought she was different."

We get into the car and he drives me home. "Want to hang out this weekend?" I ask.

"Not really in the mood to go out." He says.

"Who said anything about going out. We could just stay home and watch a movie and eat ice cream. Trust me it helps after a break up." I smile

"Fine. My place tomorrow." He says then drives off.

I walk into the house and it was a mess. There was things every where. Shattered glasses, the books selves has fallen over. I assume eleven and dad had another fight. I head towards my room. I walk past els room and hear faint cry's. I opened the door and see eleven. She looks up at me. I went over to hug her.

" I went to see him today. He was with another girl. She had red hair and could sk-skate."she says.

"Els you have nothing to worry about. The boy practically spends every moment talking about you." I say finger brushing her hair. "And the girls name is max. She actually pretty cool. But you shouldn't worry about her, Lucas and dustin are basically spending there days trying to win her over. I think there a bit obsessed." I say. She laughs and whips her eyes off.

"But eleven. You went outside?" I say.

"I know stupid." She says looking at me.

"Shall we clean up?" I say standing up and holding out my hand. She takes it and we start to pick up.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now