𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 6

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Me and Steve sit In front of a screen eating ice cream watching the outsiders.

"I think I should go apologize to her." Steve says out of nowhere. "Like bring her flowers and apologize I was kind of mean yesterday."

"If you really think you should then I won't stand in your way." I say.

Before I knew it we were in front of mr and mrs wheelers house. Steve was pacing outside the car trying to figure out what to say.

"Steve your being ridiculous, just fucking go." I say. As Steve goes I see Dustin rolling his bike down the side walk.

"Are those for mr or mrs wheeler?" He ask while approaching Steve. Steve looked confused " no."

He snatch the flowers out of his hands and heads towards the car. "What the fuck Dustin." Steve says.

"Nancy's not there, but I need you and y/n's help. Do you still happen to have your bat?"

"Yeah it's in the back." I give Steve a look. "You really keep your bat in the trunk of your car?"

"Hey you never know." He says

"y/n do you still have you gun." Dustin says. I pull my gun out of my backpack.

"What the fuck y/n you just keep a gun with you and you had the audacity to make fun of my bat." He says

"My dads the sheriff of police, of course I have a gun."

They both get in the car. "But Dustin what do we need these for?"

"I'll explain on the way there. Steve just drive to my house."

"So your telling me y'all all hid this fucking creature from me" I said.

"Well you went MIA for the last couple of days and didn't pick up your walkie talkie." He says. That's true I haven't really been home to pick it up.

We get to dustins and he leads us to where he put "dart". Steve bangs his bat against the cellar.

"It doesn't sound like anything's in there." He says starting to open it. I take my gun out and hold it up towards the door waiting for anything to pop out.


Steve's starts to creep down the stairs with a flashlight and his bat and I follow.

"I think I'm just going to stay down stairs in case you know, it escapes." We both give him dirty looks

"Wow thanks Dustin." I say.

We head down the stairs a bit further until we have reach the bottom. There's nothing there. Steve picks up a slimy thing that looks like an animal shed it off.

I look over and see a giant hole in the wall. "Steve." I say pointing to the whole.

"Shit. Dustin get down here now." Dustin starts to go down the stairs and he sees the hole.


We all come to the agreement that we needed to find this thing before anything bad happened and the best way to do that was to Luehr it to one spot.

Dustin comes out with 2 cans of meat and gloves and he leads the way to a spot he thinks will work.

We start walking along the train tracks. The boys but on the gloves and start making trails of meat.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now