𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 12

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Billy made me feel different. In a way I that I didn't want it to end.

We laid there. Billy's arm wrapped around my shoulders and my head slightly laying on his chest. We laid under the bright starry sky. I looked over and noticed his tattoo. I started to trace my finger around it.

It was a skull head smoking a cigarette.

"When did you get it?" I asked.

"Back in California last year. I was with a group of my friends. I thought it would look cool. Looking back it wasn't by best decision I've made." He says.

"One thing you don't know about me is I hate smoking." I say looking up towards him.

"And why's that?" He asked looking down at me.

"I just don't get why someone would do something that is killing there body over time." I say.

"Well....I started when my friends did and I've never stopped since." He said. He sat up and stood up and walked towards the edge of the cliff. I get up and follow behind him.

"Billy what are you doing?" I said. Me being scared of the worst. I didn't really have a great experience at this cliff. The last time I was here mike jumped off almost killing himself.

Billy reached into his pocket and grabbed a pack of cigarettes. He held them over the cliff and dropped them. I watched as they fell hitting the water at the bottom but barely even noticeable from how dark it was.

He turned around and looked at me. "Your right. I don't want to kill myself. Especially since I've finally met someone like you." I could feel my face heat up again. I was so glad that it was dark so he couldn't see how red my face had gotten.

"Another thing you don't know about me. I don't like littering. Especially on body's of water were you could potentially kill wild life." I said jokingly.

"Gosh I can never win can I." He said walking towards me. "Not quite, you see you've won something." I said slowly backing up and going back to our blanket.

"And what could that be." He said joining me down at the blanket,

"It's a secret." I said. " so you have secrets now." He says. "I have a lot of secrets, really top notch government involved secrets that could possibly get me killed. But yeah I'm keeping secrets."'I said and then laughed. "I'm joking. My life isn't that eventful." I said technically lying but he doesn't have to know that.

" why won't you just tell me. I need to know I'm doing at least on thing right." He said.

"Billy...your doing a lot of things right. Like look at this." I said pointing to our surroundings at this wonderful date he has brought me on.

"I just feel like im not right for you. Like I'm going to mess up your life. I'm troubled and damaged and don't deserve someone li..." I interrupt him.

" goddamnit Billy, you've won over my heart." I blurted out. He looked at me. "Believe me I've gone through every scenario in my head on how bad I could get hurt but I always wind up not caring because you make me feel different, safe even. No one else has made me feel this way. Who cares if your troubled or damaged, I care about you." I finished.

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and he looked back at me. It was really silent. "Would it be bad to kiss on the first date." Billy says. He was close to me now. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. I could feel the butterfly's fluttering in my stomach. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to feel the gap between us.

"I guess we'll find out." I said. He closed the gap and our lips touch. The kiss was soft but passionate. The butterfly's were ready to escape my stomach and i thought they were going to bust out.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now