𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 15

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"I should probably get going anyways, my dads probably about to get home too." I say sitting up and grabbing my books and shoving them in my backpack.

We both stood up and started to walk out of his room into the living room which also opened up into the kitchen. I saw max's mom cooking away. She looked up and saw us walk by.

"Aw you must be y/n." She yelled from the kitchen. She put everything down and started walking towards us. "Hello mrs. Hargrove." I said as she approached us. "No call me Susan, billy here has talked about you a lot. You must be special." She said. I look over at billy. "Has he?" I said smiling at him.

"Well I'm almost done with dinner you should stay and eat before you leave." She says. This caught me off guard. It would be mean to reject but I know billy doesn't want me to stay. "I'm sure my dad will be home in a little I really should get going." I say politely.

"No I insist. I want to get to know you." She says. I look over at billy again and practically beg him for help. He clearly did not get the hint.

"Umm sure." I blurted out not knowing what else to say. She smiled at me "well it should be done in about 10 minutes." She says as she makes her way back to the kitchen and continues to cook what smells like spaghetti.

Billy urgently grabs my hand and pulls me into his room. "Y/n what the fuck are you thinking." He says pacing the floor.

"Well someone wasn't really helping me get out of this situation so I had to say yes. Plus it can't be that bad to meet your parents." I says walking towards and placing my hands on his shoulders so he would stop pacing around the room.

"You don't know my dad. He's an fucking asshole. You don't know the stuff he says about you. He's a fucking prick." He says. "I know Billy but I don't care what he says about me. He can say whatever he wants but I'm not the one he's dating. I'll be right by your side the whole time." I say trying to calm him down.

"Kids the foods ready." Mrs. Hargrove said from the kitchen. I give billy one more reinsuring look before we walk out of his room once again. Max was placing plates and silverware down on the table while her mom placed a  portion of food on each plate.

Me and billy sat side by side at the table. Max also takes a seat at the table as Mr. Hargrove walks into the room. Billy starts to tense up so I grab his hand for comfort. He sits across from me and looks at me. "I didn't know we were going to have guest today." He said looking at me up and down which made me really uncomfortable.

"This is the girl billy has been talking about."Mrs. Hargrove said while taking a seat at the table as well. I smile at him and put a hand out for him to shake it. "Hello I'm y/n, Billy's girlfriend." I say as he takes my hand to shake it and we both pull away and start eating.

"So y/n are you just another one of Billy's flings. He can never really stay with a girl longer than 2 weeks."  He says. I was taken back by this. Billy gives his dad a look. "No actually we've been dating for months." I said smiling taking a bite of the delicious spaghetti mrs. Hargrove has prepared. I'll have to say it's better than dads cooking.

"The food is really good mrs.hargr- Susan. It's way better than anything my dad could cook." I say smiling at her. She smiles back "Thank you. What do your parents do." She ask.

"Well my dads actually the sheriff of police and my mom I don't really know she left when I was 8." I said.

"Your hoppers kid?" Billy's dad ask. I nod my head. "What is a girl like you doing with him. He's only going to break your heart, you must know that right." Who does this man think he is. I could feel billy getting really upset beside me. I was mad too but I could contain my anger way better than billy could.

"Well billy has...changed. He's means a lot to me actually." I say calmly. "Billy changing? Billy could never change. He not that type of person for change. He will always be the same guy. Brings a new girl home every night. I bet he'll go no where in the future." His dad really was a huge asshole. "Dad stop." Billy's says.

"Stop what billy I'm just telling the truth." He says. "Dad you don't know me. Unless you want something from me you couldn't give one fuck about me and you still pity yourself for why mom stuck you with me. Maybe because she fucking couldn't handle you." Billy yells.

Billy's dad slams his hands against the table. "You listen here. You will never talk to me like that, you need to learn respect. You think your mother was tired of my bullshit then why did she leave you with me? Have you ever asked yourself that."

Billy stormed out of the house. "Thank you mrs.Hargrove so much for the food, but I think I need to go." I say storming out going after billy.

I found billy leaning against his car. I walked up to him. "I'm sorry billy." I said hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back.

"I fucking hate him. I hate him so fucking much." He says. "Can I stay at your house tonight, I can't deal with him tonight." Billy says while pulling away from the hug. "Yeah of course." I said.

We both got in the car and I drove home.

We both laid in my bed and listened to music. My head was laying on his chest and I played with his hands, drawing circles in the center of his palm.

"I want to move to California." He says out of no where. "What?" I say confused.

"On our first date you asked me what I wanted to in the future. Well after this summer I want to move Back to California. Maybe get a small apartment. I want to create a family. I want my own kids and I'm going to make sure I'm the perfect dad. I won't leave my kids, I won't tell them they don't have a future. I want to be the dad that goes to all of there games, and is there throughout there whole life teaching them how to ride there bike or play basketball. I want to be there until they grow up and can provide for themselves." Billy pauses. "And hopefully I can create all of this with you." He says looking at me.

He wants to create a future and he wants to do it all with me. I look up at him with tears in my eyes and I smile. "I would love that." I say as he wipes a tear off my cheek that escaped my eye. "I can see us both in our small house with little Hargroves running around. Our kids having there fathers looks and there mothers brains. We can go on family trips to the beach, building sand castles. Playing basketball outside." I said as more tears rolling down my eyes.

I lean up to kiss billy. Billy kissed me back very passionately. I start to sit up and wrap my legs around his torso and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to deepen the kiss. His hands starts to travel up my shirt.

"Woah."i heard from the door way. I quickly pulled away and saw eleven standing in the door way. I quickly got off his lap. "What did you need eleven." I said filling the awkward silence.

"I was just going to ask you if you wanted to watch a movie but you look pretty occupied. I just going to...um go." She said and then slowly backing up and leaving.

I look over at billy and we both start laughing. "That was awkward." I said while laying my head back in Billy's chest. It went silent for a moment. "Y/n...." he said softly. I looked up at him to see him staring at me. "Yeah billy." I said

"I love you." He said while brushing the hair out of my face.

"I love you too." I said smiling. I leaned up to kiss him again. Never wanting this moment to end.

Low key hate the way I wrote this chapter

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