𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11

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"Who's the boy." My dad said being very protective. "Actually you should invite him in. I want to have a talk to him."

I had gotten ready in just a simple blue jean skirt with a light blue and white sweatshirt tucked in with white converse.

"Dad, your going to scare him off." I say. Telling my dad that I was going on a date wasn't a good idea.

"No I'm not, I literally just want to have a simple talk, man to man. I also want to make sure he knows you can use a gun, just in case he decides to pull something." He said smiling.

I groan. "Dad!" I walk into my room and dial his number. It rings until he picks up.

"Hello?" He says.

""Hey it's y/n."

" please don't tell me you bailing on me." He said

"Worse, my dad wants to meet you. He claims he wants a man to man talk. These talks never go well. He'll start by asking questions and then continue to talk about how he's the sheriff of police and he can hide murder. I just wanted to warn you when you get here." I say.

"I can't be that bad." He says.

Billy was currently standing in my living room. My dad asked him a series of questions. "You look good y/n" eleven said as she walked out of her room. "Thanks el, now we'll see if I have a date after dad finished this conversation." I say and we both giggles.

I walk over to them and my dad was wrapping it up. " so again remember I'm the sheriff of police. Meaning I know how to work a gun, and y/n knows how to work a gun. So you might not won't to get on our bad sides. Have her home before 12 and no funny business." My dad said eyeing me and billy.

"Yes sir." Billy said. I'm surprised he hasn't ran away yet. He looks over at me. "Shall we go?" He says

"We shall." I give my dad a hug and whisper in his ear that I'll be fine. I wave good bye to eleven and we head out the door.

"Your dads a very serious guy." Billy says once we get into the car. "Yeah I know but I love him." I says.

"So where are we going?" I say trying to get it out of him.

"Nice try, I said it was a surprise and I'm a man of my words and won't tell you." He says. He starts the car and he starts driving.

We drive for a while and we on a road in the Woods. The sun was setting and it looked pretty through the trees.

"You better not be kidnapping me." I say. "I'm not. We're almost there. I promise"

We drive for a few more minutes until the woods start to open up and he started driving up a gravel road. Once he got to the top of the cliff he stopped. He parks the car and he starts to get out. I open the door and get out as well.

I look over and we were in perfect view of the sunset. I remember this place. Mike had jumped off the cliff and eleven saved him. As I was lost in my thoughts looking at the distance I didn't notice billy had grabbed a blanket and a basket of food.

He walked closer to the edge but doesn't get too close and starts to lay out a blanket. I walk over smiling. "So this is your surprise. A picnic watching the sunset. Quite romantic I must say." I say to him.

"Well I didn't want to go to a generic place like the movies or enzos." He says. He starts to sit down on the blanket with his feet out and his arms supporting his body up. I sit down next to him with my feet crossed.

"What's wrong with a movie or enzos." I question.

"Well if your going to go on a first date why not make it special." He says. I smile uncontrollably and I could feel my face start to heat up. I looked away from him for a second.

"So what did you pack." I said looking back at him. He started to unpack the bag of food. There were sandwiches, chips, fruit, and some cookies.

"It's not much of a fancy meal but i though it would be good for a picnic." He says. I grab one of the sandwich that was in a plastic bag and I started eating. Billy did the same. We had small conversations while we ate and we watched the sun go down until it was dark.

We had finished the food and I laid down. Billy followed my actions and laid down next to me. I look up at the sky and the stars were really apparent and pretty.

"You know....I love the stars and thinking about how there might be a possibility of things beyond our earth. Like how do big balls of fire create such a beautiful thing." I pause. "I know I sound stupid" I continue.

"No I think it's cool how you have your mind set about something." He says looking down at me. "So is an astronomer something you want to do in your future." He ask.

"No not really. I like thinking about stars but I don't know if I would want that to be my career. I was thinking a teacher. I have so much fun babysitting the kids that I feel like I could enjoy teaching. How about you. Do you have a plan." I ask. He goes silent for a couple of seconds.

"I haven't really thought of my future. I just know that im going to stay this summer but once it's over I'm out of here. I'm on to living my own life and not having to deal with my dad all the time." He said.

"I mean that's good..getting away. I've lived in Indiana my whole life, I just want to travel around." I says. " but I just don't think I can." I say.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"I don't know honestly. I would feel bad for leaving my dad here. He's actually in a good point in his life right now with me and el and I don't want to leave him behind."

"Ok I might not be good in the dad department but I think your dad would be happy with whatever you decided to do. It's kind of parents jobs to support your future and encourage you to follow your dreams."

A gush of wind blows past us and I start to get goosebumps. Billy must have noticed and he took this opportunity to wrap his arm around me. I lean in and kind of lay my head on his chest. I would normal be scared to be in the middle of nowhere in the dark because of my past experience with monsters and almost facing death but with him I feel safe.

We were both silent but it was a comfortable silence. Like we just enjoyed each other's presents. He has honestly changed. If I met this billy I would never think he would do something like what he has done in the past.

Steve's voice pops into my head again. "don't fall in love kid. She's just going to break your heart."

Was I willing to get my heart broken. A few weeks ago I would have said no, defiantly to this guy. But now the only clear answer in my head is


Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now