𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 13

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"So billy...what are your intentions with my daughter." My dad ask him. We all sat at our small dining table. My dad had decided to just pick up pizza since he's not the bast at really..cooking.

I start to tense up. In my head I repeat "please don't fuck this up billy." My dad can be a very intimidating man but he has a soft heart to those he can trust and I love that about him.

"Well In my past I haven't always been the best person and I just feel like y/n makes me a better person." Billy answers his question. Not to bad. My dad looks at me and I just grin.

I could see Billy's leg bouncing up and down. So he was nervous. I mean I would be too if I had to talk about someone's daughter with the sheriff.

"Well I guess this won't be an issue unless you make it one and kid I don't hate you but I can if you give me a reason too." My dad said giving him his famous hopper smile. We all continue eating our food.

As we finished up I helped clean the table off and bringing the plates to the sink. Billy and eleven washed the dishes as I handed it to them. They were both giggling about something. I though it was pretty cute how they were kind of bonding. I always wanted someone who would treat my siblings the way they treated me and it was nice to see how good he was with eleven.

Once everything was cleaned up I walked billy to my room. As I was about to close the door I heard my dad yell " Keep the door open at least 3 inches." I rolled my eyes and kept it open to his wonderful requirement of 3 fucking inches.

For the rest of the night we didn't do much. We talked and shared story's about our past. One thing I noticed is he doesn't really talk much about his mom. I figured it was a hard topic to talk about, I mean I completely get it. I don't have the best history record of a good mother either. I mean now she's living life with her new husband Bill and there child and hasn't called to check up on us once.

We laid down and just listen to some of my music on my record player. Don't go breaking my heart (song above) softly played as we laid there in silence. The same comfortable silence as our first date. I laid on his chest as his arm was around my shoulder.

You put the light in my life
Oh, you put the spark to the flame
I got your heart in my sight
And nobody knows it
When I was down, I was your clown
Right from the start, I gave you my heart
Oh, oh I gave you my heart
Don't go breaking my heart
I won't go breaking your heart

I listened to the lyrics and lightly started to hum them. "My mom used to listen to this song, she loved it. We would do this little duet thing. At the time she was still pregnant with my little sister, Sara." I said remember back to when I was 7 and we  would dance around the kitchen alternating singing the lyrics.

"Don't go breaking my heart." Billy "sang" as he looked down at me. I started to smile. "I couldn't if I tried." I sang back.

"Oh honey, if I get restless." He smiled back at me. "Baby, you not that kind." Each lyric we both started leaning in closer not losing eye contact.

"Don't go breaking my heart." I sang still looking into his eyes. "You take the weight off of me. Oh honey when you knock on my door."

"Ohh I'll give you the key." I finished before we both leaned in and kissed each other. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Me still being aware that the door was still open 3 inches I pulled away.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now