𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 16

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Schools out, high schools over and life begins. Well after these nexts couple of months of summer break.

There is more sun outside and less snowy days. The Starcourt mall has finally opened up after a while of building and has became a top attraction in our small town of Indiana, apart from the town fair that comes every year during our summer break.

The kids were obviously excited to get out of school and have more fun hanging out and playing d and d. Which it seemed like they did less of as Dustin was off at camp and Mike was too busy hanging out or shall I say making out with eleven.

My dad isn't really for the idea of these 2 teenagers spending a lot of time together and is pretty hard on mike but I think he's just trying to be a good dad.

Steve got a job at the Scoops Ahoy in the mall after his dad decided to "punish" him and not give him a position at his job. I mean it sucks what his dad is doing but on the plus side I get to see Steve walk around in his dorky sailors uniform and I get served free ice cream. Oh and we can't forget about my new friend Robin, Steve's co worker.

As much as I would love to hang around the ice cream shop all day I have a job of my own that isn't just babysitting. Me and billy both applied for many jobs and the one job we both got accepted to was a life guard at the local pool.

I wouldn't say I regret accepting the job but to see all these woman staring at my boyfriend during our shift is aggravating but I got used to it after billy told me numerous times that he only likes one girl, and that girl is me.

The sun was beating on my skin as I sat on the life guard stand supervising the water to make sure no one was drowning or breaking the rules.

I look across the pool and make eye contact with billy. I smirk as he gives me a wink and looked away. We only had 15 minutes left of our shift before we could leave. Later tonight Billy was taking me on a date at the town fair.

I watched as the time ticked by until I finally saw our life guard replacements. I walked down the stand and traded places with a girl named Heather. I start heading to the locker room to gather my stuff. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head being set on my shoulder.

"You ready for our date tonight?" Billy mumbles in my shoulder. I turn around to face him. His hands still lay at my waist. " Yep and I expect you to win me a huge teddy bear." I say smiling at him and give him a peck on his lips before i start to walk away and he lets got if my waist and grabs my hand instead.

We both walk out of the building and billy walked me to my car. "See you tonight." He says giving me a kiss and walking off. I get into my car and head home.

"Come on y/n it won't be that bad." Billy says as we stand in line for a ride that's called the flying saucer. I stand there looking at the diamond shaped ride being spun around really fast. "Fine. But if I throw up, it's on you Hargrove." I say as we move forward in line as they let more people in.

We got to the front of the line and they let us on. We walked up the ramp and into the attraction. It was just a circular room with small crevices in the wall were you could stand.

Supposedly the ride spins super fast where it's kind of like anti gravity ride and your body gets "stuck" to the wall. (A/n god I suck at explaining this. I hope y'all know what I'm talking about)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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