𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10

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We were both sitting down at the diner and we order some breakfast. Our food came pretty quickly and we ate.

"So your dads the sheriff." Billy says before shoving food in his mouth.

"Yep. That's actually how I got my babysitting job. Apparently when your the sheriffs daughter people trust you a lot more and I mean it doesnt hurt to have fun with a bunch of kids and get paid for it." I say.

"Let me take you out." He says quickly

"What?" I say. "For winter break let me take you somewhere." He says. "Is billy Hargrove really asking me on a date after I admit that I hang out with a bunch of kids for a living." I say smiling.

"Well yes he is." He said smirking. "Well if I say yes then it can't be anything fancy." I say.

"Ok." He says. "So is it a yes?"

"Yes." I say. "Now we better get leaving before we are late." I says as we were both mostly finished with our meals. "I have to past these exams or I won't be going anywhere during break." I say as I we get up, pay and leave.

School let out and I head to my locker. "So any plans for break." I say while putting my books away and closing my locker to face Steve. "Nope. Probably just hang out with my family." He says closing his locker.

"I think Jonathan is having a small gathering with the kids. You should come, it could be fun." I say.

"I'll have to think about it." He says as we walk to his car and we get in. I buckle up and Steve starts the engine and starts driving.

"Steve what if I told you billy came to my house last night." I said.

"Wait what, why?" He said shocked.

"He has family problems and just need to get his mind off of things and I was the only person he knew to call." I said. "But he also asked me on a date."

"And let me guess you said yes."

" I mean yeah. You said it your self, he can change and honestly he act different with me, like he doesn't have to act tough, he can just be him self. There's more than you then you think." I say.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." He says.

"And Steve if I get hurt, then I get hurt. Plus it's not like I'm talking about my future. It's just a date." I say.

"Your right. But heart breaks hurt. Trust me I would know. So if he does ever break your heart..then I will beat him up."

"Oh and get your ass beat again. I don't think so. Instead we can eat ice cream at your place because you always have the best ice cream." I say.

"I barely lost. He smashed me with a plate and pinned me down. Next time I'll be prepared."

"Ok mr. Harrington whatever you say." I laugh. Steve pulls up next to the woods. "See you later Harrington. Hopefully at Jonathan's gather." I start to walk towards the house and up the stairs. I knock on the door and eleven let's me.

"Hey el." I smile at her as I close the door. She was sitting on the couch watching tv like she did everyday.

"Hey y/n." She says looking away from the screen. I take my backpack off and set it next to the door and plop next to her next to the couch. "What are you watching." She says. I look at the tv and I see Indiana Jones playing. She seemed pretty bored of it. "Hey how about we have a girls night." I says. She looked over at me.

"A girls night?" She said confused. " it's a fun night with just us girls we can hang out and tell secrets and just have fun. " I say. She smiles. "Sure."

Me and elven sit in her room on the floor. Her hands on my lap as I painted them this pretty rosy pink color.

"So....eleven how are you and mike." I smiled at her.

"I think he's my boyfriend. He kissed me at the snowball and we literally danced all night." She says smiling.

"Well has he asked you?" I ask.

"He hasn't used the word girlfriend yet but he calls me every night." She says. "How about you? Do you like anyone."

I hesitate before speaking. Did I?

"It's...complicated. There's this boy named Billy. He's really cute, has curly hair that I just want to mess with all the time and these precious blue eyes. He's also tough be in the inside he's honestly a softie." I say.

"What's complicated about that. You speak about him like you do." She says.

"It's just, he's done things that make me question if he's right for me. But it's like when I'm with him it's different. Since then he's been better. When I'm with him it's like time stops. I guess I keep telling my self that if I get together with him then I have to accept the chance of me getting hurt and that kind of scary." I pause for a second and look up at el.

"If you want my advice I would say go get him. He's seems special to you." She says. I finish painting her last nail.

"Thanks eleven. I'll keep that in mind." I say smiling.

Me and eleven stood in the kitchen. The kitchen was a mess with flour and sugar every where as we tried to bake some cookies from one of my moms old cook books.

We hear a knock at the front door. Eleven opens the door with her mind and dad walks in. He takes his coat off and looks at the mess.

"What the hell are y'all doing?" He says.

"Girls night." Eleven giggles. "We attempted to make cookies." I said smiling.

"It's nice to see y'all hanging out but y'all will be cleaning up this mess." He says. He sits on the couch and turns on the tv.

Our cookies ended up tasting not too bad. We cleaned up the kitchen and dad made "dinner" which tonight was just heated up frozen meals.

We sit at the table and eleven picks at her peas. "Dad, the Byers are having a gather on Sunday. Joyce was wondering if we could go. It would be good for eleven to get out of the house for just a little." I say looking over at her and winking.

"I suppose we could all have a little fun." He says smiling. We all finish our dinner and me and eleven head to my room with a bowl of popcorn to watch a movie.

We lay down in my bed and I put on 16 candles. We both watch the movie occasionally shoving popcorn in our mouths.

My phone rings and I get up to pick it up. "Hello." I say.

"Hey y/n it's billy. You free tomorrow night at around 7." Billy ask.

"Why yes I am." I say smiling.

"Well I would Like to take up my offer on that date." He says.

"May I know where we're going?"

"No you may not, it's a surprise. Just be ready to be picked up at 7. Bye." I could hear him smiling through the phone.

"Fine billy, but remember nothing fancy." I say before hanging up. I look over at eleven and she looks curious.

"Was that him." She asked. "Yes it was. He's taking me on a date tomorrow." I say getting butterfly's in my stomach. I was going on a date.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now