𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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y/n -

Steve has finally dropped me off at the arcade after his long speech in the car ride on how I'm using him for free transportation.

I get out of the car.

"Thank you Steve." I say smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. Bye y/n" he said back driving off.

I look around the parking lot and see Lucas and dustin hiding behind a car. Lucas is looking behind a pair of binoculars scanning the area. I walk up behind them and grab there shoulders. They both jump.

"Fuck y/n you can't do that." Dustin yells. I start laughing.

"Omg there she is." Lucas says as he's looking through the binoculars. I see the same blue car swerving in front of the arcade. A little girl with red hair gets out of the car and starts arguing with the person inside the car.

"There arguing, there arguing." Lucas yells

" I know I can see that, I don't even know why you need those." Dustin comments.

"Hey let me see those." I say grabbing then and looking in the car. It was indeed billy. The girl slams the door and the car zooms off. She quickly flicks him off and walks into the arcade.

I hand them back to Lucas. Huh, he has a sister.

I snap out of my thoughts as I see Lucas and Dustin running across the street and heading into the arcade.

I walk across and walk in to see them both slouched behind a both watching the girl. "What the hell are y'all doi-" I say before getting shushed and push down.

"Like who even is this girl." I ask

"Her names max, she's new to our school." Lucas says.

" wait max as in.." I look over to see her playing the dig dug game "madmax."

"Yep, isn't she good." Dustin says. I'm taken by surprised. The last time I talked about that game he got mad at me because someone had beaten his score.

We spend the night watching this girl play until she left and I tell them they better start heading home before it gets dark. I was about to walk out until I say max sitting on a bench probably waiting for a ride.

"Hey are you waiting for someone?" I asks her as I walk up to her.

"Yeah kind of." Shes day looking up at me.

"Do you want me to wait for you?" I ask knowing it's the right thing to do.

"Um I'll probably be fine." She says

"Well I'm going to wait anyways because I don't want to be responsible if anything happens to you. Plus I feel like you could use some company." I sit down on the bench.

"I'm y/n hopper." I say holding my hand out. "Max." Shes shays back shaking my hand.

"I've actually heard a lot about you. You know you have two boys obsessing over you." I say smiling.

"I doubt there obsessed with me." She says

"No they were definitely obsessing and if they knew I was telling you this right now they would literally kill me." I tell her.

"I promise I won't tell." She said smiling.

We both laugh. I see Billy's blue car swerving into the parking lot and stops right in front of us. Billy rolls down his window and looks at me. " y/n what are you doing here?" He says.

"Well I was babysitting some kids at the arcade and I decided to wait a little after to make sure max gets picked up safely." I say smiling.

Max gets in the car and closes the door. "You know your sister really cute." I say. "She's not my sister" he mutters. So they must be step siblings or something.

"Well anyways I should probably get going before it gets too dark." I say remembering I have to walk home. Already dreading the long walk to the woods. "It's already late and I should probably start heading home." I say. I wave and start walking.

"Wait are you walking home?" He ask. " I can give you a ride."

"Umm..." I think. It would be quicker and less of a pain. "Yeah sure." I say and start to get in the back seat.

"Get up dipshit and let her sit in the front." I hear billy say. "No it's fine, I'm fine back here." I say as I slide into the back of the car. I buckle up and look out the window.

He starts driving and the car is pretty silent. I look out the window and watch the sunsetting in the distance.

"So where am I going." Billy says. Pulling out of the arcade and into the main road.

"Oh yeah that's kind of important. There's actually woods just 2 miles straight passed the high school. You can just drop me off there." I say giving him directions to the area near my house just half a mile away. I continue to look out the open window feeling the wind blow my hair as we drove off.

One thing I can definitely say is our music types are completely different and not it's really my type.

He does what I say and stops by the woods. I know he must be confused but before he can ask any questions I get out of the car. "Thanks billy, bye max." I say smiling and waving.

"Bye." They both say and he drives off.

Once he drives off I start walking towards the house.


Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now