𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 9

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I've notice that skipping school to fight off monsters isn't ideal especially when you have exams coming up.

After winning the battle against the mind flayer things kind of went back to normal. We all sit at our normal table outside and I eat my food. Steve occasionally snatching a few pieces.

Steve accepted Nancy and Jonathan and has moved along with his life. Obviously the feelings are still there but he's noticed that they were really never going to work.

"So y/n did you say something to billy?" Steve said.

"Yeah we have a conversation at the snow ball." I say.

"Well what ever you said worked because he apologized to me." He says. "It's weird"

So he actually does care about me. "Yeh I told him in order for me to forgive him he would have to apologize." I say.

"What else did you say to him?" Steve says

"Nothing you need to know." I say. I start to pack my stuff up.

"So who's ready for winter break?" I say changing the subject so he doesn't ask anymore questions.

We had all finished dinner a while ago and I was in my room listen to some vinyls. My phone starts to ring and I walk over to pick it up.

"Hello" I say wondering who it was.

"Umm hey y/n it's billy, is possible for me to maybe come over. I need to get out of this fucking house before I do something I regret." He says.

"Um.. yeah sure. Your going to have to sneak in through the he back window." I say giving him the full direction to our small cabin.

Time passes by and I head a little knock on my window. I pull it open and there stood Billy. He hopped in and looked around my room.

"Not as cool as you though it would be." I say talking about my room.

"No, no, it's nice." He says as he sits down on my bed. I sit down as well leaning my back against the bed frame stretching my legs out.

"So why do you live out here in the middle of the woods." He ask.

"I mean I guess it's just safety. My dads the sheriff and will do about anything to insure that we were safe." I say trying not to give too much away but also telling the truth.

" I mean it's quite and calm." He says. It goes quite for a second and I noticed that I still have my music on playing softly.

" so...billy. Do you want to talk about what happened. I mean you don't have too." I say trying to break the silence.

" I would rather not. I'm trying to get my mind off of it." He says.

"Ok. Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask he nodded his head. I grabbed out ghost busters and put it in until it played. I took the vinyl out of the record player and turned the tv volume up.

I sat back down where I was sitting before and billy took his shoes off and sat next to me. We watched the movie but it quickly got boring. I mean how many times can you watch the ghostbusters with the kids.

"It's my dad." Billy says out of no where. "What?" I said looking at him. "My dad got angry at me for something I didn't even do and started beating me up until Susan made him stop." He says.

"I'm sorry billy." I say sincerely.

"Don't say that. It wasn't your fault that I have a shitty dad. But I'm just tired of his bull shit. But there's nothing I can do. There's no where i can go. So I just have to live with it." He says. I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to cry. I wrapped him up in a hug and he broke down. Looking back in the past I would have never thought I would be holding on to billy as he cried.

"Parents can suck sometimes." I say softly as I take my finger and twirl his curly hair around my finger. After a while he stopped crying and sat up.

"Not as tuff as you though, huh." He says while sitting back. "No, I think sometimes it ok to break down your walls." I say smiling

We continue to watch the movie and I lay my head on his shoulder.

I shift my body and wrap my hands around my pillow. My pillow was way more comfortable then it normally was. I start to open my eyes and I see the sunrising. I start to sit up but I'm stopped by an arm wrapped around me. I look over and see billy next to me. Shit,shit, shit. We must've both accidentally fell asleep. "Billy. Billy get up." I say panicking. If my dad knew he was here he would kill him and quite literally. I mean he could, he is the sheriff of police.

Billy starts to move and I see his eyes open. "My dad is literally going to kill me." I say.

"I swear I didn't mean to fall asleep." He says.

"I know me either. But we need to get you our of here. Quietly go out the window and pull your car further down the road. I need to make a quick phone call." I say and he does as I tell him. I started to get dressed. I look at the time and it way earlier than I would be leaving for school. I grabbed the phone and dialed Steve's number. "Hey, yeah um I don't need a ride today." I tell him once he picks up the phone.

"Why, is something wrong." He says concerned.

"No everything's fine.....I just though I would stop for breakfast this morning and someone else is taking me ." I say trying to give little details as possible.

"You better not be replacing me with a cooler friend." He says.

"Steve I could never replace you. They wouldn't be Steve "the hair" Harrington." I say laughing.

"Ugh I told you to stop using that name it's stupid." He says.

"Well Steve I have to go. Bye." I say hanging up. I walk out of my room and I see my dads not awake yet. I wrote him a note.

"I went to get breakfast before school with a friend. See you when you get home. Love you.- y/n" and I put it on the table and I quickly walk out of the house with my backpack around my shoulder.

I walk over the traps and head down the street where Billy's car is parked. I opened the car door and got in. "How does breakfast sound." I say smiling at him.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now