𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 14

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It seemed like the break went by so fast. Maybe too fast. For the days leading up to Christmas we all kind of hanged around the house. Sometimes the boys would come over and sometimes it would just be mike. I could tell that my dad was getting frustrated with the lack of respect from the two teens as they awkwardly kissed in elevens room. But again they were teenagers exploring new things.

For me and billy, he would occasionally just come around to hang out at my house. I could tell he wasn't really at the stage of our relationship were he wanted me to face his parents, so I never really pushed anything and just told him we could hang out at mine.

Christmas Day was just like old times but with an addition of eleven to our family. The whole day we would cook and bake cookies and decorate them while we danced around listening to some Christmas music. It was one of the one days out of the year were my dad wasn't so uptight and was actually relaxed and just let things happen.

Towards the end of the day we would settle down and watch movies with our hot chocolate and exchange gifts. Eleven was really happy with her necklace and immediately wanted me to put it on her. It made me so happy to see the huge smile on her face. Dad also enjoyed his shirts, he said it was good for him to have something new for a change.

For me I had gotten a new vinyl from eleven. Since she had plenty of time to watch tv and listen to music while she was at the house, she thought I would enjoy this album that she had heard a while back on the radio. My dad had gotten me some new clothes and a few books.

It was nice to have a full family. Since eleven has came I felt a shift of emotions not only from me but also my dad. Like I can see how happy he is to see us all bonding and finally a family. Don't get me wrong me and him were a perfect family as it was but eleven just brings something to it.

Later that night I get a call from billy asking if he and max could come over to give there gifts. I of course said yes and told el and dad that they were coming.

Shortly a knock was on the door. I ran to open it and there stood max and billy. I let them in and they both walked into the living room.

"Max, elevens in her room right there." I tell her pointing to elevens door. Max nods her head and heads towards her room. I look over and smile at billy. "Merry Christmas." I say walking towards him to give him a huge. "Merry Christmas." He whispers in my ear. We both pull away.

"Oh I got you something. I'll be right back." I tell him as I run to my room and grab the nicely wrapped box that I had but his jacket in. I walk back and see my dad in the living room talking to billy. They both started laughing. I walk towards them. "Y'all finally getting along." I said smiling. "Sure you can call it that." My dad said smiling and then he went to go sit on the couch. I look back up at billy and give him his gift. "You didn't have to get me anything you know that right." He says while grabbing the gift. "Yeah I know but I wanted to. Know open it." I say eagerly , really hoping he liked it.

He opens it and once he sees what it is he smiles. "Wow this is cool." He said taking off his jacket he had on and sliding on the leather one. "Do I look badass." He says while posing. I start to laugh at how dorky he was being. "Sure billy if you want to call it that. I'm glad that you liked it." I said still laughing.

"Now your turn." He says pulling out a small little box wrapped in shiny blue paper with a small bow on top. The wrapping was all sorts of messy I laughed when I saw it. "Did you wrap it yourself." I asked lightly giggling. "Yes I did and let's say it took me at least 3 try's to get it look to the slightest bit of decent. I gave up and told my self it's what's inside that matters." He said. I smiled, he was so cute.

I unwrapped the wrapping paper and there was a small box. I opened it and inside was a necklace of Virgin Mary which was very similar to the gold necklace he wore all the time. I remember the night I had pointed it out and told him that I liked it and would love something like it. Damn he really did get the hint.

Lost on you // Billy Hargrove x reader Where stories live. Discover now