Chapter fifteen

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A thought had permeated and now was killing Scorpius' mind, taking his breath away every time he got to kiss Albus (obviously chastely) without things exploding.

«Al, can I ask you something?»

They were laying in their secret spot in the Forbidden Forest, far from the other students' eyes, to who their bond could have caused problems.

«You can ask me anything, Scorp. You know that» The blond had his back pressed against the other's chest, whose chin was in the curve of his neck, «Spit it out»

Scorpius sighed heavily. He had to ask him, «You know, the soulmates' myth?»

«Scorp, I haven't stopped thinking about it since the accident. It has been two whole weeks and we haven't caused any more problems, have you noticed?» the brunette, who had his back pressed against the huge tree behind them, held the blond tighter, his arms around his waist. «Have you found out something about the curse?»

«No, it's not about the curse. It's about something else. I was thinking- » he hesitated «Do you think we would have had... this thing we have now» he paused. What were they? «Do you think we would be here now, you hugging me and everything, if our parents hadn't been soulmates?»

As a response, Albus tighten his grip onto the taller «You're asking me if I would have fallen for you anyway?»

At those words, some trees around them started to shake. Scorpius immediately felt afraid and tried to evade the shorter's hug who, however, didn't let him go, «You think I love you only because of the soulmates' myth?» he asked although he already he knew the answer deep inside him.

«Well, Al-»

Because he had thought of it too.

«Scorpius, you could have been Lily's or James' soulmate» his fingers went to the blond's chin, making his head turn and forcing him to look into his eyes «But you're mine. And I'm yours. Do you know why?»

Scorpius shook his head.

«Because we've always had this special connection between us. Even before you found your father's diary and understood you...» he stopped. Scorpius hadn't told him he loved him yet.

Silence fell between them and it lasted one entire minute before the blue-eyed had the courage to speak again,

«Do you think we'll discover what this curse causes, Al? Do you think we'll be able to break it?» he let out a heavy breath, staring into the other's eyes like as if he was his protector, his angel, his illness but, at the same time, his cure. «I'm so scared. Of this. Of what this... thing between us can do. What if we hurt other people? Because now we're here, alone, isolated and the only things we can damage are trees and grass but what if-»

«Slow down, Malfoy. I hate when you start to over-talk in your paranoid way,» Scorpius rested against the shorter's chest, breaking the eye-contact and then took his hands in his, feeling immediately calmer.

«We're strong, Scorp. We'll work this out in a way or another. But whatever is this thing we have, we have to decide what you and I are» he paused, sighing, worried of upsetting him like he had done two days before while they were talking before going to sleep. «If you want to be my boyfrie-»

«We have to trust each other, you're right» Scorpius interrupted him «We can work things out only in this way».

As always, the blond hadn't let Albus finished talking.

He just wanted to ask him to be his boyfriend... the green-eyed didn't understand why the blond seemed so terrified of that.

There had to be a reason. Maybe something to do with the myth or perhaps with the curse.

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